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Modernization of British Warrior IFV armored successfully completes 59 Battlefield Missions.

| 2020

According to a Tweet released by Lockheed Martin UK, in July 2020, the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP) to upgrade the British army Warrior MCV-80 tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle), has successfully finalized important milestone Test Phase 1, completed 59 Battlefield Missions with the British army.
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British MCV-80 IFV for the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme showed at DSEI defense exhibition in London, UK. September 2019. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The WCSP (Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme) is continuing to deliver its milestones as agreed with the UK Ministry of Defence. In July 2020, the Programme successfully completed 59 Battlefield Missions. This significant achievement not only demonstrates the ongoing performance and programme success, but it also marks the end of Phase 1 of Reliability Growth Tests.

The WCSP is a modernization program launched by the British Army to improve the combat capabilities of the MCV-80 Warrior tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) which is the backbone of the mechanized infantry units of the British armed forces.

In October 2011, the British Ministry of Defense awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin for the development of 11 vehicles including five variants. In July 2018, the company has completed the delivery of the 11 development vehicle for Reliability Growth Trials to demonstrate the reliability and performance of the capability.

The new capability on offer from Lockheed Martin will continue to be rigorously tested and put through its paces as it continues to progress through Reliability Growth Tests, by the end of which the vehicles will have a covered more than 29000km and fired thousands of rounds of ammunition. Once fully demonstrated the capability will be ready to enter service and help deliver an Armoured Infantry that is more capable, with significantly enhanced lethality, upgraded situational awareness, better integration with dismounts and improved combined arms cooperation, thereby providing a battle-winning contribution to the Divisional Warfighting capability.

The MCV-80 Warrior is tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) that was developed in 1977 by the British Company GKN Sankey. The first vehicles were accepted in service with the British army in 1988.

The MCV-80 Warrior is of all-welded aluminum construction providing protection against firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters. The vehicle is fitted with a two-man turret with one 30 mm L21 RARDEN cannon and one 7.62mm machine gun. It has a crew of three including the driver, commander and gunner, the rear part of the vehicle can accommodate seven infantrymen.

The British army is overseeing a major Capability Sustainment Programme which will keep the vehicles in service beyond 2040. The WCSP program will improve the current Warrior IFV with a new the integration of a fully stabilized turret, incorporating the CTAi 40mm cannon, and an upgraded Thermal Imaging primary sight. Other improvements include 360˚ Local Situational Awareness cameras, modular armour mounting systems and enhanced power generation and distribution.

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British army MCV-80 tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle. (Picture source Army Recognition)

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