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North Korea unveils new Main Battle Tank using design of Russian T-14 Armata.

| 2020

During the military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Workers' Party that was held on October 10, 2020, in Pyongyang, North Korea unveiled a new generation of Main Battle Tank (MBT) with a design that seems similar to the design of the Russian-made T-14 Armata and American-made M1A2 Abrams MBTs.
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New North Korean Main Battle Tank MBT at the military parade in Pyongyang, October 10, 2020. (Picture source; print screen of NK News Youtube account)

According to the first analysis by the Army Recognition editorial team, the general layout of the new North Korean main battle tank looks like the Russian T-14 Armata MBT, except for the glacis and the driver's position which is located at the center front of the hull. Each side of the hull is fitted with armor plates, and the rear is protected by armor cage, also known as slat armor, designed to protect against anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks

The front of the turret is very similar to the American-made M1A2 Abrams' one, using composite armor. The sides of the turret are equipped with radar antennas like the Trophy APs (Active Protection System) mounted on the latest generation of M1A2 SEPV V3 (M1A2C) Abrams, while the lower part of the turret has similar launcher tubes that could be a copy of the Active Protection System (APS) Afghanit. We do not know if all these protection systems are operational or if they are just mockup. The rear part of the turret is also protected with wire cage armor..

The main armament consists of a125mm main gun, with a coaxial machine gun mounted on its left. The roof of the turret is equipped with a panoramic side and a meteo mast located at the front of the right hatch. The right side of the turret is fitted with two anti-tank guided missile launchers that could be a local-made version of the Russian-made Kornet.

The drive train consists of seven road wheels protected with rubber plates.

North Korea unveils new Main Battle Tank using design of Russian T 14 Armata 925 002
(Picture source: print screen of NK News Youtube account)

North Korea unveils new Main Battle Tank using design of Russian T 14 Armata 925 003
(Picture source: print screen of NK News Youtube account

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