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Turkey sells Kunduz Amphibious Armored Combat Earthmovers to the Philippines.

| 2020

Turkish defense company FNSS has signed an agreement to export its amphibious armored combat earthmover (AACE) to the Philippines, the company's general director said.

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Kunduz Amphibious Armored Combat Earthmover (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Turkey's FNSS defense systems general director, Nail Kurt, told Anadolu Agency (AA) in an interview on Monday, Feb.10, that the Kunduz Amphibious Armored Combat Earthmover has been sold to the Philippines, making it the first South Asian country to import the vehicle. Kurt said the details of the agreement will be finalized in the next two months, and the delivery of the vehicles will start in 2021. He added that new contracts could be signed with the Philippines to import other FNSS defense products.

This engineer vehicle was developed and produced in less than a four-year work for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) by FNSS Defence Systems. The contract to develop the armored amphibious bulldozer was signed on March 10, 2009, between the Ministry of National Defense and the FNSS.  The project, which actually began to be implemented on June 15, 2009, foresaw the production of twelve units until the end of 2013. The first was delivered on January 11, 2013.

The Kunduz is dedicated to move earth, clear terrain obstacles, cut steep slopes and stabilize stream banks for easy river crossing of combat vehicles during Turkish Army's amphibious warfare. AZMİM (another name – actually an acronym – for the Kunduz) has two crew members: an operator and an attendant. AZMİM is equipped with daylight camera system, night vision device, multi-purpose LED display and air conditioner. Its maximum speed is 45 km/h (28 mph). Two installed pump-jets enable the amphibious bulldozer to conduct a 360 degrees turning movement in rip current waters.


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