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Sprut-SDM1 amphibious light tank to undergo firing trials on Black Sea.

| 2021

The Sprut-SDM1 light amphibious tank, created by the High-Precision Weapons holding company of the Rostec State Corporation, has passed the first stage of state trials in maritime conditions. The second stage, which includes testing firing capabilities when afloat, will begin shortly.
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Sprut-SDM1 amphibious light tank (Picture source: Army Recognition)

As part of the first stage of sea trials, the vehicle demonstrated both high navigation capability during tests in the Black Sea and the ability to be transported by large landing ships. During the second stage, it has to pass firing trials using its 125mm gun 2S25 in sea states of up to 3 points.

Bekkhan Ozdoev, Industrial Director of Weapons, Ammunition and Special Chemistry at Rostec, said: “Sprut-SDM1 is not inferior in firepower to tanks such as T-80 and T-90, and its mobility on land and water is at the level of BMD-4M. The tank is capable of completing complex tactical missions, in particular, reconnaissance, working as part of raid or forward detachments, defense maneuvers, attacking through water obstacles, amphibious operations, and territory control. The main operator or Sprut is the Russian Airborne Forces, but I am sure it will also interest foreign customers. First of all, we are focusing on the markets of India, Asia and the Middle East. The full cycle of state trials is scheduled to be completed in early 2022. According to their results, the design documentation for a light amphibious tank will be assigned with the label "O1", which allows starting serial production, and Sprut-SDM1 will be recommended for adoption by the Russian army.

Created at the Kurganmashzavod, Sprut-SDM1 is equipped with a 125mm 2A75 cannon and corresponds to the T-90MS tank in terms of firepower. The cannon can fire modern armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation shells, as well as ammunition with remote detonation. It can destroy targets at up to 5 km. The UTD-29 500hp multi-fuel diesel engine outputs power required to move an 18-ton combat vehicle with a crew of three at speeds up to 70 km/h on land and up to 10 km/h on water.

JSC NPO High-Precision Weapons was established in 2009 to consolidate the scientific and technical potential of a group of specialized companies and create advanced weapons, military and special equipment for high-precision and tactical weapon systems, based on innovation and technological modernization of existing products. Part of Rostec State Corporation.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

Like its predecessor Sprut-SD (here above), the modernized Sprut-SDM1 is amphibious, a crucial capability considering the Russian geography (Picture source: Russian MoD)


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