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MSPO 2022: PGZ from Poland displays Perun autonomous reconnaissance and combat UGV.

| 2022

The Perun is an autonomous four-wheeled robotic system that has a total weight of up to 900 kilograms. The UGV is electrically powered allowing operation for at least 10 hours with a maximum speed of 50 km/h. The robot is designed to conduct reconnaissance and combat operations in open and urban environments.

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Perun UGV (Picture source: Army Recognition)

A prototype of the Perun Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) was unveiled in September 2019, during the edition 2019 of the MSPO, defense exhibition. The UGV was designed according to the requests of the Polish Army to have an autonomous vehicle that can be fitted with a weapon station and able to conduct reconnaissance and combat missions. Indeed, the UGV can be equipped with the ZSMU A3C remote-controlled weapon station armed with a 7.62mm UKM 2000C or a 12.7 mm WKM-B heavy machine gun. The device is equipped with an optoelectronic system, a laser rangefinder and a GPS receiver, and a shot direction detector. With the Pirat missile mounted on the robot, the Perun UGV has now anti-tank capabilities. While the movements of the UGV are autonomous if needed, firing remains to be controlled by the operator/

The UGV can also be fitted with other systems like CBRN detectors and other non-lethal devices like smoke grenades, public address loudspeakers, etc.

Perun is intended at first for reconnaissance missions in contact with troops operating in the vicinity (maximum 3 to 5 km from the operator following the control mode), for example to carry recce and patrol missions, but it can be assigned to logistical and wounded transport tasks.

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Perun wheeled UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle fitted with the ZSMU A3C weapon station armed with Pirat Anti-Tank Guided Missile and a 7.62mm machine gun. (Picture source : Zaklady Mechaniczne Tarnow)

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