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Spain supplies Ukraine with 20 URO VAMTAC 4x4 light armored vehicles.

| 2022

According to information published by the Ukrainian news website "SUNDRIES" on April 30, 2022, Spain has delivered 20 4x4 armored vehicles URO VAMTAC to Ukraine.
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Spanish army URO VAMTAC ST5 4x4 light armored vehicle. (Picture source REDDIT)

On April 23, 2022, Army Recognition reported that Spain shipped 200 tons of military equipment to Ukraine including 30 military trucks, 20 4x4 armored vehicles, and ammunition. Now, we can confirm that the 20 armored vehicles are URO VAMTAC.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Spain has already provided: 1,370 Instalaza C-90 anti-tank grenade launchers, an unspecified number of light machine guns, and 700,000 bullets as well as arms and ammunition, and one RG-31 ambulance armored vehicle.

The URO VAMTAC is a 4x4 light tactical vehicle manufactured by the Spanish company UROVESA. In order to meet the new needs of the Spanish army and the new threats of the modern battlefield, UROVESA has also developed an armored version of the VAMTAC called VAMTAC S3.

The design of the URO VAMTAC si standard for a modern light tactical vehicle with the engine at the front, crew and troops seats in the middle, and cargo compartment at the rear. The vehicle has a weight of 3,500 kg with a payload capacity of up to 2,500 kg.

The VAMTAC S3 improved version, fitted with a more powerful diesel engine, developing 188 hp. It has a reinforced suspension and increased payload. The vehicle can be also fitted with an armor package offering protection against the firing of small arms and blast of mine explosion or IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). It also features a strengthened body that is completely made of ballistic materials for increased protection. It is also equipped with roof-suspended seats and reinforced suspension.

The latest variant is the VAMTAC S5 which features new improvements in terms of mobility, design, and protection. This variant is in service with the Spanish armed forces.

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