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Ukraine launches serial production of new locally-made Backfire K1 Bomber Drone.

| Defense News Army 2024

Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine's defense industry has made significant strides in military innovation, particularly in unmanned systems. On April 5, 2024, a groundbreaking announcement was made through social media channels about the beginning of serial production for the new, indigenously developed Backfire K1 bomber drone, marking a leap in aerial combat technology.
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The new Ukrainian-made Backfire K1 is used as bomber drone carrying two 9N235 (9H235) fragmentation cassettes from the Smerch 9H235 MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System. (Picture source Video footage social network)

The Backfire K1, designed akin to a small conventional aircraft, features a front-mounted engine and a distinctive V-tail configuration. Its main fuselage is engineered to carry a substantial explosive payload, introducing a new level of strategic capability. The drone is launched via catapult, with a parachute system for recovery, emphasizing its operational versatility.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Backfire K1 is its autonomy. The drone navigates pre-set routes without the need for continuous communication with its operators, effectively evading electronic detection and making it a ghost to electronic intelligence efforts. This autonomy is further complemented by its resistance to electronic warfare; without a conventional control channel to jam and equipped with a securely designed GPS antenna, the Backfire K1 maintains its course unfazed by countermeasures.

Precision is at the heart of the Backfire K1's design. It utilizes an advanced ballistic calculator to determine the optimal release point for its munitions, taking into account the drone's position and velocity to strike targets with unprecedented accuracy. Already deployed at the frontline, the drone has demonstrated its effectiveness against a variety of targets, including personnel, artillery positions, and structures, showcasing its strategic value on the battlefield.

The technical specifications of the Backfire K1 reveal a drone designed for operational efficiency and tactical flexibility. With a combat range of up to 55 km and capable of carrying payloads up to 6 kg, the drone operates autonomously over missions. It is powered by an electric engine, reaches a maximum altitude of 1000 m, and operates most effectively at a working altitude of 300 m. The bombing is conducted at altitudes ranging from 50-200 m, ensuring precision strikes at a cruising speed of 84 km/h.

The Backfire K1 is able to carry two 9N235 (9H235) fragmentation cassettes from the Smerch 9H235 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System), known for its high-explosive fragmentation capability, designed to maximize anti-personnel effectiveness. The submunition features a nose point-detonating fuze and a self-destruct mechanism, enhancing safety and minimizing unexploded ordnance.

Ukraine's introduction of the Backfire K1 drone underscores the country's resilience and innovative spirit amidst adversity. This advancement not only enhances its defensive capabilities but also represents a significant contribution to unmanned aerial combat technology, setting new standards for autonomy, resistance to electronic warfare, and precision in military operations.

Defense News April 2024

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