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Poland and Baltic States to start mining borders in response to threats from Russia and Belarus.
As reported by Kresy.PL, during an interview with RMF FM on March 19, 2025, Polish Minister of Defense Paweł Bejda confirmed that Poland intends to deploy anti-personnel mines along its borders with Russia and Belarus as part of the national East Shield program. He stated that this decision resulted from the current security situation along Poland’s eastern borders, which he described as serious. Bejda specifically mentioned concerns regarding Belarus’s alignment with Russia and cited the direction of Russia’s previous military actions against Ukraine as part of the rationale for the decision.
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The number of mines to be produced by Poland is expected to range from several hundred thousand to approximately one million units. (Picture source: Russian social media)
Bejda acknowledged that Poland is currently not in possession of anti-personnel mines but confirmed that domestic production capabilities exist. He stated that both state-owned and private arms manufacturers will participate in production, with the Polish Armaments Group (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa - PGZ) designated as the main contractor. The number of mines to be produced is expected to range from several hundred thousand to approximately one million units.
The planned deployment of anti-personnel mines will be implemented within the framework of the East Shield initiative (Tarcza Wschód), a national defense infrastructure program launched in May 2024. The program, which is scheduled to be completed in 2028, has a projected budget of approximately 10 billion Polish złoty (roughly US$2.5 billion). Eastern Shield includes the construction of physical obstacles such as anti-tank ditches, reinforced barriers, and minefields, as well as the development of operational infrastructure including observation posts, bunkers, and shelters for military personnel and civilians.
In addition to physical defenses, the Eastern Shield incorporates surveillance and reconnaissance systems powered by artificial intelligence. These include imagery intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), acoustic monitoring, electronic warfare capabilities, and anti-drone technologies. Data from sensors and observation systems will be relayed to operational centers equipped with automated analysis systems. Construction has already begun, with the first segment of fortifications completed near Dąbrówka, in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie region adjacent to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Following Poland’s announcement, Lithuania’s Minister of Defence Dovilė Šakalienė confirmed similar plans to reinforce her country’s border with Russia and Belarus through the use of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Šakalienė stated that Lithuania’s approach is based on the Polish model and is intended to delay potential enemy movement as part of a broader counter-mobility concept. She also confirmed that Lithuania is discussing the integration of its border defenses with Poland and Finland, including the construction of fortifications, bunkers, and military infrastructure along NATO’s eastern border.
The Baltic Defense Line, a defense initiative involving Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, was formally established in 2024 through a trilateral agreement signed in Riga. This project is to be connected with Poland’s Eastern Shield, creating a continuous system of fortifications. Lithuania has stated that several layers of defensive structures, including minefields, will be developed along its eastern frontier in alignment with this coordinated regional effort.

Poland's Eastern Shield program includes the construction of physical obstacles such as anti-tank ditches, reinforced barriers, and minefields, as well as the use of surveillance and reconnaissance systems powered by artificial intelligence. (Picture source: Polish MoD)
On March 18, 2025, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania jointly announced their decision to withdraw from the Ottawa Convention, which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production, and transfer of anti-personnel mines. The declaration was presented as a coordinated action justified by the deterioration of the regional security environment. The defense ministers of the four countries stated that the decision is intended to ensure flexibility in national defense planning and the potential use of additional weapon systems. They emphasized that their countries remain committed to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians during armed conflict.
Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsakhkna commented that countries cannot rule out the use of defense equipment that might be employed by potential adversaries. The ministers also stated that the withdrawal from the treaty should be interpreted as a message that the countries involved are prepared to use any available means to defend their territories.
The Eastern Shield project was publicly announced by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on May 18, 2024, during a commemoration event in Kraków. The program is managed by an interministerial team that includes representatives from the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Interior and Administration, Ministry of State Assets, Ministry of Climate and Environment, and Ministry of Infrastructure. The project covers approximately 700 kilometers of Poland’s border with Belarus and Russia and will feature fortification belts extending up to 50 kilometers into Polish territory.
Key components of the program include the construction of trenches, drainage systems, engineered barriers, planned minefields, forested and waterlogged areas, shelters for civilians and troops, and logistical hubs. Surveillance towers will be installed along the border, housing sensors and cameras connected to communication and reconnaissance systems. Planning began in 2024, with procurement of necessary materials and initial construction work scheduled to continue through 2028.
In October 2024, test exercises for Eastern Shield components were conducted at the Land Forces Training Center in Orzysz. These exercises included dynamic defense demonstrations observed by Prime Minister Tusk and senior defense officials. A test center was also established to evaluate fortification technologies and train engineering units responsible for implementing the program.
On March 20, 2025, Poland’s parliament passed a resolution supporting the government’s border defense efforts and calling for increased defense cooperation within the European Union and NATO. The Eastern Shield has since been recognized by the European Council as one of the European Union’s defense priorities. EU funding has been allocated to support the program, and further cooperation is expected with NATO member states and regional partners.
Despite concerns raised by international humanitarian organizations regarding the risks posed by landmines to civilian populations, Polish authorities and their Baltic counterparts have reaffirmed their intention to comply with humanitarian obligations while maintaining the right to deploy these systems in defense of national territory.