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April 2008

France Back top page
The DGA , the French Delegation of Armament, delivered the first 30 vehicles PVP A4 AVL to French Army.

The DGA , the French Delegation of Armament, delivered the first 30 vehicles PVP (A4 AVL for the French army. This delivery is a part of the first ordering of 314 vehicles make in 2004. Panhard General defense , was awarded on September 2004, a 150 millions price contract for 933 PVI, in two version, infantry and command post. The production of vehicles will be making at the facilities of Marolles-en-Hurepoix (93) et Saint-Germain-Laval (42).
17 April 2008

French Army France A4 AVL PVP Panhard Auverland small light wheeled armoured vehicle picture. The DGA , the French Delegation of Armament, delivered the first 30 vehicles PVP (A4 AVL for the French army. This delivery is a part of the first ordering of 314 vehicles make in 2004. Panhard General defense , was awarded on September 2004, a 150 millions price contract for 933 PVI, in two version, infantry and command post. The production of vehicles will be making at the facilities of Marolles-en-Hurepoix (93) et Saint-Germain-Laval (42). French Army France A4 AVL PVP Panhard Auverland small light wheeled armoured vehicle picture . The DGA , the French Delegation of Armament, delivered the first 30 vehicles PVP (A4 AVL for the French army. This delivery is a part of the first ordering of 314 vehicles make in 2004. Panhard General defense , was awarded on September 2004, a 150 millions price contract for 933 PVI, in two version, infantry and command post. The production of vehicles will be making at the facilities of Marolles-en-Hurepoix (93) et Saint-Germain-Laval (42).
French Army France A4 AVL PVP Panhard Auverland small light wheeled armoured vehicle picture French Army France A4 AVL PVP Panhard Auverland small light wheeled armoured vehicle picture
PVP A4 AVL Technical Data Sheet PVP A4 AVL Technical Data Sheet



France Back top page
French Army order 5,045 FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites.

French defense procurement agency DGA, part of the Ministry of Defense, placed an order with Sagem Défense Sécurité (SAFRAN Group) for 5,045 FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army, worth 143 million euros. Designed to replace the current infantry combat suites, the FELIN system is both modular and integrated. It improves infantrymen’s effectiveness and protection in all areas, including observation, communications, command, coordination and engagement.
15 April 2008

Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem . French defense procurement agency DGA, part of the Ministry of Defense, placed an order with Sagem Défense Sécurité (SAFRAN Group) for 5,045 FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army, worth 143 million euros. Designed to replace the current infantry combat suites, the FELIN system is both modular and integrated. It improves infantrymen’s effectiveness and protection in all areas, including observation, communications, command, coordination and engagement. Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem . French defense procurement agency DGA, part of the Ministry of Defense, placed an order with Sagem Défense Sécurité (SAFRAN Group) for 5,045 FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army, worth 143 million euros. Designed to replace the current infantry combat suites, the FELIN system is both modular and integrated. It improves infantrymen’s effectiveness and protection in all areas, including observation, communications, command, coordination and engagement. Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem . French defense procurement agency DGA, part of the Ministry of Defense, placed an order with Sagem Défense Sécurité (SAFRAN Group) for 5,045 FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army, worth 143 million euros. Designed to replace the current infantry combat suites, the FELIN system is both modular and integrated. It improves infantrymen’s effectiveness and protection in all areas, including observation, communications, command, coordination and engagement.
Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem Picture FELIN integrated infantry soldier equipment suites for the French army Safran Group Sagem



United Kingdom Back top page
New wheeled vehicle for the British Forces in Afghanistan, The Jackal.

The introduction into service of up to 100 of the new vehicles will mark a significant improvement on the capabilities of the current weapons platform, the Land Rover-based Weapons Mounted Installation Kit (WMIK), for UK forces on the front line. Offering increased mobility, protection and agility, Jackal's 5.9 litre engine is capable of maintaining off-road speeds of up to 80km/h and can reach a top speed of 130km/h. The vehicle's extended range and ability to operate across a variety of terrain in extreme environments give it a huge advantage over its WMIK predecessor.
14 April 2008

Jackal British army light wheeled vehicle picture . The introduction into service of up to 100 of the new vehicles will mark a significant improvement on the capabilities of the current weapons platform, the Land Rover-based Weapons Mounted Installation Kit (WMIK), for UK forces on the front line. Offering increased mobility, protection and agility, Jackal's 5.9 litre engine is capable of maintaining off-road speeds of up to 80km/h and can reach a top speed of 130km/h. The vehicle's extended range and ability to operate across a variety of terrain in extreme environments give it a huge advantage over its WMIK predecessor. Jackal British army light wheeled vehicle picture . The introduction into service of up to 100 of the new vehicles will mark a significant improvement on the capabilities of the current weapons platform, the Land Rover-based Weapons Mounted Installation Kit (WMIK), for UK forces on the front line. Offering increased mobility, protection and agility, Jackal's 5.9 litre engine is capable of maintaining off-road speeds of up to 80km/h and can reach a top speed of 130km/h. The vehicle's extended range and ability to operate across a variety of terrain in extreme environments give it a huge advantage over its WMIK predecessor.
Jackal British army light wheeled vehicle picture Jackal British army light wheeled vehicle picture



Jordan Back top page
Jordanian U.N. peacekeepers in armored vehicles guarding the presidential palace, behind, in Port-au-Prince.

A couple walks by Jordanian U.N. peacekeepers in armored vehicles guarding the presidential palace, behind, in Port-au-Prince, Wednesday, April 9, 2008. Haiti's President Rene Preval is calling on Haitians to quit rioting over high food prices, and in his first public remarks since the unrest began last week, told Haitians that soaring food prices are a global phenomenon.
10 April 2008

Jordanian army Jordan light armoured vehicle M113 picture. A couple walks by Jordanian U.N. peacekeepers in armored vehicles guarding the presidential palace, behind, in Port-au-Prince, Wednesday, April 9, 2008. Haiti's President Rene Preval is calling on Haitians to quit rioting over high food prices, and in his first public remarks since the unrest began last week, told Haitians that soaring food prices are a global phenomenon.
Jordanian army Jordan light armoured vehicle M113 picture



Haiti Back top page
Brazilian U.N. peacekeepers patrol with armoured vehicles in the streets of Port-au-Prince.

U.N. peacekeepers sit inside an armored vehicle on a street in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, April 10, 2008. Protesters abandoned roadblocks and businesses reopened in Haiti's debris-littered capital but some warned chaos will quickly return if the government does not rein in soaring food prices
10 April 2008

Brazilian UN peacekeepers with armoured personnel carrier EE-11 Urutu picture . U.N. peacekeepers sit inside an armored vehicle on a street in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, April 10, 2008. Protesters abandoned roadblocks and businesses reopened in Haiti's debris-littered capital but some warned chaos will quickly return if the government does not rein in soaring food prices Brazilian UN peacekeepers with armoured personnel carrier EE-11 Urutu picture . U.N. peacekeepers sit inside an armored vehicle on a street in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, April 10, 2008. Protesters abandoned roadblocks and businesses reopened in Haiti's debris-littered capital but some warned chaos will quickly return if the government does not rein in soaring food prices
Brazilian UN peacekeepers with armoured personnel carrier EE-11 Urutu picture Brazilian UN peacekeepers with armoured personnel carrier EE-11 Urutu picture



Austria Back top page
Austrian soldiers, member of Europeans Union's military force EUFOR to Chad.

An Austrian soldier, member of European Union's military force EUFOR, sits on a car behind a machine gun on the way to Gaga refugee camp near Abeche in Chad April 9, 2008. The Austrian army use wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Dingo 2 from Rheinmetall and also light wheeled vehicle Puch.
09 April 2008

Austrian army Austria EUFOR Dingo 2 wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture Austrian army Austria EUFOR Puch light wheeled vehicle picture



Germany Back top page
First Fuchs Transport Vehicle with Improved Mine and IED Protection Handed Over to the Troops.

Within the framework of an Immediate Operational Requirement, 21 Fuchs (fox) TPz armoured transport vehicles are being equipped with improved protection against mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).On March 20, the first production vehicle fitted with the new equipment was presented by Rheinmetall in Kassel during a meeting of the steering committee of the future users working group. The other 20 vehicles are to be delivered by June 2008.
08 April 2008

Within the framework of an Immediate Operational Requirement, 21 Fuchs (fox) TPz armoured transport vehicles are being equipped with improved protection against mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).On March 20, the first production vehicle fitted with the new equipment was presented by Rheinmetall in Kassel during a meeting of the steering committee of the future users working group. The other 20 vehicles are to be delivered by June 2008.
Fuchs wheeled armoured personnel carrier Vehicle with Improved Mine and IED Protection picture



United States Back top page
Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems Awarded a Contract for Trucks for US Army.

Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems Limited Partnership, Sealy, Texas, was awarded on April 3, 2008, a $6,096,214 firm-fixed price contract for 38 medium tactical vehicle 5-ton cargo trucks for US Army.
08 April 2008

Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle light truck 6x6 picture . Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems Limited Partnership, Sealy, Texas, was awarded on April 3, 2008, a $6,096,214 firm-fixed price contract for 38 medium tactical vehicle 5-ton cargo trucks for US Army. Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle light truck 6x6 picture . Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems Limited Partnership, Sealy, Texas, was awarded on April 3, 2008, a $6,096,214 firm-fixed price contract for 38 medium tactical vehicle 5-ton cargo trucks for US Army.
Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle light truck 6x6 picture Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle light truck 6x6 picture



China Back top page
Military exercise for the PLA People Liberation Army at army base in Shanxi.

People's Liberation Army (PLA) tank crews take part in a training session at an army base in Shanxi province April 8, 2008. Chinese paramilitary troops have been issued a mobilisation order to ensure a trouble-free Olympics, as security became Beijing's top priority for the 2008 Games after anti-Chinese riots in Tibet and nearby provinces.
08 April 2008

Chinese Type 62 Army China main battle tank picture Chinese soldier PLA People Liberation Army picture



Iraq Back top page
Mahdi Army fighters drive away with captured Iraqi armored police vehicles

Mahdi Army fighters drive away with captured Iraqi armored police vehicles outside a state run al-Iraqiya TV facility in Basra, Iraq, Sunday, March 30, 2008. Mahdi Army fighters stormed a state TV facility in the southern city of Basra on Sunday, forcing Iraqi military guards surrounding the building to flee and setting armored vehicles on fire.
07 April 2008

Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture
Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture Iraqi Dzik-3 Iraq army wheeled armoured personnel carrier picture



United States Back top page
BAE Systems Wins Additional M777 Howitzer Order From The U.S. Armed Forces

BAE Systems Wins Additional M777 Howitzer Order From The U.S. Armed Forces, the 155mm towed howitzers purchased under this contract will be delivered in 2010. The M777 effort is managed by the Light Weight 155mm Joint Program office at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. BAE Systems’ facilities at Barrow-in-Furness, UK and Hattiesburg, Mississippi, manufacture, integrate and test the guns. BAE Systems also provides support, training, maintenance and spares for the guns currently in service all around the world.M777 is currently in service with the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Canada also has 12 M777 howitzers in service, with potential requirements for an additional 22 howitzers. The Canadian Royal Horse Artillery has a number of M777s operational in Afghanistan where the gun is known by local insurgents as the ‘Desert Dragon’.
02 April 2008

Howitzer BAE Systems M777 picture Howitzer BAE Systems M777 picture


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