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Augus 2004

Japan Back Menu
Annual live-firing exercise at the Higashi Fuji training range in Gotemba.

An anti-tank rocket is fired from a Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JSDF) armored vehicle during an annual live-firing exercise at the Higashi Fuji training range in Gotemba, east of Tokyo, Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004. About 2,000 JSDF members demonstrated their military capability before thousands of spectators. The army have also demonstrated the capability of the main battle tank Type 74.
29 August 2004

Japanes light anti-tank armoured vehicle picture Japanese
Type 74 main battle tank picture
  TYPE 74
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United States Back Menu
Skyshield 35 Ahead Air Defence System, successful firing against very small targets to China Lake firing range in California.

China Lake, July 13, 2004: To verify the performance of the Oerlikon Contraves’ Skyshield 35 Ahead Fire Unit against small targets, a live firing was carried out by the US Army with their Skyshield system at the China Lake firing range in California.
The firing was a spectacular success: two unmanned air vehicles as targets, two Ahead fire bursts, two multiple hits on target. Each of the unmanned air vehicles was knocked out of the sky and completely destroyed. The Skyshield 35 Ahead Air Defence System,is built by Oerlikon Contraves – a subsidiary of the Rheinmetall-DeTec Group.
13 August 2004

Skyshield 35 Ahead Fire Unit picture Drone abattu par le Skyshield 35 picture



Iran Back Menu
The United States renewed accusations that Iran is secretly trying to develop atomic weapons.

A long-range Shahab-3 missile is displayed during a military parade in Tehran. The United States renewed accusations that Iran is secretly trying to develop atomic weapons and said that the program along with Tehran's possession of missiles threaten Middle East and global security
12 August 2004

Iran Shahab-3 missile picture



Taiwan Back Menu
Taiwan's armed forces staged a drill simulating an invasion by rival China,

Taiwanese soldiers on manoeuvres. Taiwan's armed forces staged a drill simulating an invasion by rival China, as a military computer exercise showed Taiwanese troops could withstand a similar onslaught for just six days
12 August 2004

Howitzer Taiwanese picture



Irak Back Menu
British Army soldiers atop of a tank keep watch following clashes with insurgents at Garma bridge, near Basra.

British Army soldiers atop of a tank keep watch following clashes with insurgents at Garma bridge, near the southern Iraqi city of Basra, August 10, 2004. In the southern city of Basra, a British military spokeswoman said the streets were calm after clashes on Monday that killed one British soldier and wounded four others.
11 August 2004

Challenger 2 main battle tank picture
Challenger 2 main battle tank picture
British Warrior armoured infantry fighting vehicle picture
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India Back Menu
Arjun main battle tank as i's rolled out during a ceremony in Madras.

A policeman walks past India's indigenously developed main battle tank (MBT), the Arjun, as it's rolled out during an induction ceremony in Madras, capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu, August 7, 2004. The Arjun tank, which can take a crew of four has combat weight of 58.5 tons and can travel at the maximum speed of 70 kms per hour.
07 August 2004

Indian Arjun main battle tank picture Indian Arjun main battle tank picture
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United Kingdom Back Menu
The photograph report from Army Recognition magazine about the War & Peace Show 2004.

The War & Peace Show is the most world's largest military vehicles and collector fairs., 3500 military vehicles on display, tanks, jeeps, weapon. To the main area you can see live action of battle of the combat troops in Normandy and Vietnam. Living history groups demonstrating their combat roles and more activities. During five days you can see many classes of military vehicles shown in detail in the fields away from the main area of the exhibition. The team of Army Recognition was there to make a photograph report about this event. To see the complete pictures gallery go to War & Peace Show 2004.
06 August 2004

War & Peace Show 2004 pictures gallery War & Peace Show 2004 pictures gallery War & Peace Show 2004 pictures gallery



France Back Menu
The photograph report from Army Recognition magazine about the annual Bastille Day military parade to Paris.

The photograph report about the annual Bastille Day military parade make by the team of " Army Recognition " internet military magazine. This event is the most important military parade in France. During this day, lot vehicles and troops are presented to the public to the main avenue " Champs Elysees". To see the complete pictures gallery go to 14 July 2004 military parade.
06 August 2004

14 july 2004 pictures gallery 14 july 2004 pictures gallery 14 july 2004 pictures gallery



Saudi Arabia Back Menu
A Saudi armored personnel carrier UR-416 patrols a street in Riyadh, to secure Westerners people after the local chief of Al-Qaeda was killed.

A Saudi armored personnel carrier UR-416 patrols a street in Riyadh. The killing of an Irishman in the Saudi capital has raised fears of fresh violence against Westerners after a lull since the local chief of the Al-Qaeda terror network was shot dead in mid-June.
05 August 2004
Saudi wheled armoured personnel carrier UR-416 picture
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France Back Menu
French soldiers of the 16th Hunter's Battalion disembark from a Puma SA330 to patrol the area between the Sudanese border and refugee camps in eastern Chad.

French soldiers of the 16th Hunter's Battalion disembark from a Puma SA330 helicopter at Abeche airport in eastern Chad August 4, 2004 as the French military airlifts humanitarian aid. French troops are patrolling the area between the Sudanese border and refugee camps in eastern Chad and assist aid organizations to distribute relief to people fleeing Sudan's strife-torn Darfur region
04 August 2004
French Super-Puma helicopter picture



China Back Menu
China's army stages a parade in Hong Kong, marked the 77th anniversary of the PLA which won control of mainland China for Mao Zedong's Communists.

China's army stages a parade in Hong Kong, August 1, 2004. Today marked the 77th anniversary of the PLA which won control of mainland China for Mao Zedong's Communists, amid civil war in 1949. China's military staged its first parade in Hong Kong on Sunday, with 3,000 soldiers marching crisply in formation as others rode in armored vehicles and helicopters, as part of efforts by Beijing to boost patriotism and soothe lingering political tensions
01 August 2004
Chinese WZ 523 wheeled armored personnel carrier picture
WZ 523
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