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Interpolitex 2008 International security state defence Exhibition Moscow Russia news information pic.

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INTERPOLITEX 2008 Moscow, Russia
12 th International Exhibition Defence security «Interpolitex 2008» and the 10 th International exhibition of border «Boundary 2008»
28 - 31 October 2008
About Interpolitex 2008
Interpolitex General Information

The concept of the Interpolitex is a sound combination of four interconnected specialized exhibitions, including mutually reinforcing thematic exposition.

International police and military equipment « INTERPOLITECH » its

The thematic exposition «Special Police Technology»

The thematic exposition «Information security and communications»

The thematic exposition «Armament, Military equipment and ammunition.»

The thematic exposition "Arms. Ammunition. Optics"

The total area of private exhibition spaces (Moscow, VVC) is 16000 sq. m. Exposure to the outdoors - 6000 sq.m.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation
Border Service of Russia's FSB
Joining the exhibition of "Bison"

The coordinator of business programs:
CIS Anti-Terrorist Center
Senior center resource MIA Russia
PG NGOs "Special technology and communications, the MIA Russia

Professional support:
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
Federal Agency for Science and Innovation
The Federal Agency for Industry
Federal Agency for Information Technologies
Moscow Government
The Government of Moscow Region
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronexport

Interpolitex 2008

International security INTERPOLITEX 2008 States is the only event in Russia on the security of federal status and importance, and recognized as one of Europe's largest exhibition in its field.

INTERPOLITEX International Exhibition is held annually to provide suppliers and consumers of modern special hardware and armaments effective tool for solving complex advertising and marketing objectives, monitoring the market and negotiating trade deals.The results of this work is directly related to the formation of government contracts and a number of federal programs.
Organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, FS PTS Russia. Organizer - Merger exhibition companies «Bison» (company «Interpolitex»).The exhibition will be held with the professional support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations, the FSB of Russia, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, the Governments of Moscow and Moscow region, the CIS Anti-Terrorist Center, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Coordinating Council of Commanders of border troops States - CIS member states, NATO and Interpol.

The exhibition is unique in its subject matter and composition of participants, which demonstrate modern approaches to the arming and equipping law enforcement agencies and other institutions (including non-state), whose work is related to the fight against organized crime and international terrorism, the consequences of terrorist acts, natural and man-made disasters, security businesses and individuals, the protection of state borders.

The activities of the International Exhibition INTERPOLITEX 2008 is open to all interested Russian and foreign enterprises and organizations.

Russian Expo Arms 2008 Official Site

Visit the oficial site about the Interpolitex 2008 to have more information ( Visitors, Exhibitors, etc ...)

Other Sources


Program INTERPOLITEX 2008 Back Menu
DAY 1, Tuesday 28 October 2008

10:00 - 11:00
12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30
13:00 - 18:00

14:00 - 18:00

14:00 - 18:00
16:00 - 17:30

16:00 - 18:00

Opening a working meeting of deputy heads of border departments of the CIS member states
The inauguration ceremony was the 12 th International Exhibition of ensuring the security of the state «Interpolitex 2008» and the 10 th International exhibition of border «Boundary-2008»
Access to the press
Demonstration of a single information and telecommunication systems of internal affairs bodies
Round table: «Integrated Systems: modern solutions and trends».
Seminar: «Questions of state regulation of technology policy in the anti-terrorism and protection of protivokriminalnoy»
Conference «Information weapons for terrorist acts and local conflicts»
Roundtable with the participation of deputy heads of border departments of the CIS member states of arming and Logistics: «On the prospects for military-technical cooperation»
Seminar: «Fotovideofiksatsiya violations SDA».
Official reception on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition «Interpoliteh-2008»
DAY 2, Wednesday 29 0ctober 2008

10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 12:00

10:00 - 12:00
10:00 - 13:00
11:30 - 13:00

12:00 - 14:00

12:00 - 15:00

13:00 - 15:00
14:00 - 16:00

14:00 - 16:00
15:00 - 18:00
16:00 - 17:00
16:00 - 17:00

The work of the 12 th International Exhibition «Interpolitex 2008» and the 10 th exhibition «Boundary-2008»
Seminar: «Modern means of detecting explosives and explosive devices in the systems of examination».
Round table: «Prospects for the development of communications systems ATS»
Demonstration tactical special exercises special units of the Moscow region police
Roundtable with the participation of manufacturing enterprises on the establishment and use of ekranoplanov in order to protect the state border
Seminar: «Technologies GLONASS systems management mobile naryadami of Internal Affairs and the OSC Russia»
Round table: «Current issues of development and introduction of funds and radio system to the work of ATS».
Round table: «The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the ATS»
Scientific conference «Current aspects of technological development, protection of national borders and border infrastructure facilities»
The seminar presentation «and means of fire training»
Round table: «the practical application of the special illumination of small arms»
Round table: «Information technology providing training for law enforcement»
A concert of the Moscow Border Institute PS Russia's FSB
DAY 3, Thursday 30 October 2008

10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 14:00
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:00

14:00 - 17:00

15:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:30

The work of the 12 th International Exhibition «Interpolitex 2008» and the 10 th exhibition «Boundary-2008»
Eighth International Conference biometric BIOMETRICS AIA 2008 TTS RUVIII «Transportnye and passenger of 2008 - Transportation and Travel Systems 2008»
All-Russian meeting of forensic experts
Conference «The legal problems of business. Solutions »
The Conference of Young Scientists on the theme: «Current issues of forensic expertise and practices»
The final conference of judicial chemists and toxicologists on the theme: «Current issues of forensic chemistry and chemical poisons expert studies»
Awards winners for the title «H Recipient of the International specialized exhibition of technical means of border« Boundary-2008 »
Concert Golitsinskogo Border Institute PS Russia's FSB
DAY 4, Friday 31 October 2008

10:00 - 18:00

11:00 - 11:30
10:00 - 14:00

10:00 - 14:00

10:00 - 15:00

The work of the 12 th International Exhibition «Interpolitex 2008» and the 10 th exhibition «Boundary-2008»
Awarding Laureatov All-Russian Internet Contest «Best Site ODE-2008»
The Conference of Young Scientists on the theme: «Current issues of forensic expertise and practices»
The final conference of judicial chemists and toxicologists on the theme: «Current issues of forensic chemistry and chemical poisons expert studies»
The Ninth International Biometric Conference BIOMETRICS AIA 2008 LEGS RUIX «Passport and law enforcement system 2008 - Law Enforcement and Government Systems 2008»


Daily News INTERPOLITEX 2008 Back Menu  
Industry News  
Interpolitex News  
Update 28 October 2008
Update 28 October 2008

Daily News and Show News Interpolitex 2008.

Daily News and Show News Interpolitex 2008.

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Russia intends to develop military-technical cooperation with France - Konstantin Biryulin.

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The exhibition «Interpolitex-2008» OOO «MIC» submit regular news
At 12 International exhibition of state security "Interpoliteh-2008" LP "Military-Industrial Company will present its new development.

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In the next 10 years, consisting of the Pacific fleet will be a new aircraft carrier .

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Nine of OPK Russia participate in the naval exhibition in Paris.

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More news to Interpolitex 2008 official web site.

News Interpolitex 2008

Pictures INTERPOLITEX 2008 Back Menu  
Interpolitex 2008 International Defence Security Exhibition
Update 02 November 2008 Pictures gallery Interpolitex 2008
Interpolitex 2008 Pictures  
Interpolitex 2008 Pictures  

Pictures gallery Interpolitex 2008.
Pictures Interpolitex 2008
International Defence Security Exhibition
from Army Recognition
Worldwide Land Forces Defense Magazine
available before 29 October 2008

Pictures gallery Interpolitex 2008.
Pictures Interpolitex 2008
International Defence Security Exhibition
from Army Recognition
Worldwide Land Forces Defense Magazine
available before 29 October 2008





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