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For the First Time Since operation Cast Lead Israeli army Strikes Hamas Targets in the Gaza Strip.

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Defense News - Israel

Tuesday , December 21, 2010, 18:11 PM

For the first time since Operation Cast Lead, Israeli Army strikes Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.
According to IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, the situation in the Gaza Strip is very fragile with increased activity from terrorist operatives over the past few days as well as increased activity of the IDF.
According to IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, the situation in the Gaza Strip is very fragile with increased activity from terrorist operatives over the past few days as well as increased activity of the IDF.
Targets housing Hamas operatives were struck by the IDF for the first time since Operation Cast Lead. Archive Photo: IDF Spokesperson

"The situation in the south is fragile and explosive. Most of the terrorist activity is directed toward IDF activity along the security fence. The past year has seen 112 attacks executed against IDF forces and 60 terrorists were killed,” said Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, on Tuesday morning (Dec. 21) during a security briefing to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

The Chief of Staff discussed the intense operations carried out by the IDF in the Gaza Strip in the past few days, in response to “Terrorists’ decision to intensify their activity. We operate only tens or hundreds of meters away from the fence, to prevent them from reaching Israeli communities.” According to him, targets housing Hamas operatives were struck by the IDF for the first time since Operation Cast Lead.

Discussing the situation in Lebanon, Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi also added that “Tension prevails in preparation for the publication of indictments against those accused of the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Al-Hariri.” Regarding Iran, he said, “The Iranian nuclear project continues to develop, despite difficulties from different directions. They were surprised by the international sanctions against them, including those of China and Russia.”

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