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The new command post tracked armoured vehicle for artillery battalion REGINA, joint venture with the.

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MSPO 2009 , Kielce, Poland
17th International Defence Industry Exhibition

Online Official Show news daily
Artillery Battalion of 155 mm self-propelled howitzer REGINA
Tuesday, 01 September 2009, 21:32
The new command post tracked armoured vehicle for artillery battalion REGINA, joint venture with the Polish Company HSW and the German Company FFG.
As every year the MSPO is a significant event for the Polish companies which wish to present their last technological innovations of armament and armored vehicles. The Polish Company HSW presents for the first time to the public, three new vehicles: A tracked command post armored vehicle, a new version of mine launching system mounted to a truck and a tracked vehicle self-propelled mortar carrier. The command vehicle made following a request of the Polish army for a command post tracked armoured vehicle for the artillery troops, which could be used on the level of the command of an artillery battalion, up to the level of command of artillery battery. This new vehicle is based on the chassis of the Russian MT-LB tracked armored vehicle, but with a new group of propulsion and an upgraded troop’s compartment. The design of the vehicle is based on an association of Polish company HSW for the troop’s compartment, and the German company FFG for the motorization of the vehicle. This vehicle could be used within the framework of the new concept of artillery battalion REGINA, which is composed at the basic level with new self-propelled howitzer tracked armored vehicle 155 mm KRAB, recently adopted by the Polish army.
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