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November 2009

Russia Back Menu
New S-500 missile system, too much slowness in the design.

The commander of the Russian Air force Alexandre Zeline condemned Thursday slowness in the systems design of anti-aircraft missiles S-500. “The way in which are conceived the S-500 system is not appropriate me”, it indicated at the press. “I would like that the potential of the Group Almaz-Antée (designer of the system) is doubled, even triple”, said Alexandre Zeline. The new universal system will be able to destroy targets flying with 7 km/sec to 200 km of altitude, as well as the warheads of hypersonic cruise missiles, announced the general.
27 November 2009

Russia Commander of the Russian Air force Colonel General Alexandre Zeline picture



China Back Menu
New chinese armoured vehicle for airborne troops.

The existence of a new Chinese small-tracked armoured vehicle bearing a strong similarity to the new Russian BTR-MD/BTR-D3 Rakushka ('Shell') air-deployable armoured vehicle was recently revealed by Chinese Internet sources. The vehicle, also seen at a Chinese armour display, could still be a prototype and Chinese sources have yet to reveal any of its technical details. Assuming the vehicle is intended for use by airborne forces of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), its introduction would be consistent with the PLA's ongoing effort to mechanise its airborne forces after the Russian pattern. The Chinese ZBD-03 airborne infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) that emerged in 2004 is similar to the Russian BMD series, but it offers greater room for troops and is so far only armed with a 25 mm or 30 mm cannon compared with the combined 100 mm.
27 November 2009

Russia Russian BTR-MD/BTR-D3 Rakushka airborne light tracked armoured vehicle picture



Australia (Thales) Back Menu
Thales Hawkei light wheeled protected vehicle passes Blast Test Milestone.

Thales Australia's ground-breaking Hawkei Australian Light Protected Vehicle has passed a significant milestone with the successful completion of the first series of mine blast tests on the passenger compartment. Conducted on a full monocoque hull prototype, the test involved a high level blast beneath the centre of the vehicle, representing the type of detonation that occurs when a vehicle passes directly over a land mine. The Hawkei's hull has also recently been successfully tested against IED fragments, another key operational threat. These tests are part of a series designed to ensure that the Australian designed and built Hawkei provides the highest possible protection for Australian soldiers. The data gathered during the blast testing from full anthropomorphic dummies will be used to further refine the blast management system used in the vehicle. Achieving the highest levels of protection in the light vehicle class is one of the primary goals for the Hawkei design team, which includes Plasan Sasa, one of the world's foremost armour solutions companies.
27 November 2009

Production of the next generation Hawkei Protected Military Vehicle–Light (PMV-L) in Australia would generate almost 700 jobs in Victoria, most of them in the Bendigo area, according to independent economic analysis. The detailed economic study also found that the Bushmaster vehicle program is currently supporting 1100 jobs, but employment will fall in coming years as orders and production decline on the original Australian Defence Force Bushmaster program. The Managing Director of Thales Australia, Chris Jenkins, said the analysis conducted by ACIL Tasman was the first detailed assessment of the economic contribution of Project Bushranger to Bendigo, Victoria and Australia, taking both direct and indirect benefits into account.
Australia Australian Thales Hawkei PMV-L Light Protected military vehicle data sheet



Spain Back Menu
Spanish army need a new 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle to enhance safety and mobility of Spanish troops.

Defense Minister Carme Chacon today presented to the Council of Ministers a report on the need for a new 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle to enhance safety and mobility of Spanish troops. According to the Defense Ministry's policy to give top priority to the safety and protection of Spanish soldiers, the Defense Minister has requested an additional effort to acquire a new fleet of 4x4 armored squad and platoon vehicles, and of next generation 8x8 vehicles, to complete the renewal of the Spanish Army’s armored vehicles inventory. The Defense Ministry is considering, in an effort to expedite arrangements for the future purchase, the main models of 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles available on the market, some of which are already in operation with allied forces. The acquisition of a new vehicle of this type will increase the capabilities of security, safety, design and mobility of Spanish troops in carrying out their assigned missions.
26 November 2009

Spain Spanish Defense Minister Carme Chacon picture



France (Renault Trucks Defense ) Back Menu
The Ministry of Defence of Chad has confirmed an order of 64 units of fire tender Midlum and Kerax 8x8 and 6x6.

The Ministry of Defence of Chad has once again chosen Renault Trucks Defense to expand its fleet. The Ministry has confirmed an order of 64 units of fire tender Midlum and Kerax 8x8 and 6x6 equipped with tank and flatbed. A first contract had been signed in January 2009 for 52 kerax.
26 November 2009

France French Renault Truck Defense
Kerax 6 x6 picture



Canada (General Dynamics) Back Menu
General Dynamics Awarded USD$2.2 Billion Contract for Light Armored Vehicles, presumably for the Saudi National Guard.

The U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command, in support of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC), has awarded a $2.2 billion contract to General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada for 724 Light Armored Vehicles (LAV) for a Foreign Military Sale (FMS). Vehicle deliveries will begin in April 2011. General Dynamics Land Systems, the Canadian company's parent corporation, is a business unit of General Dynamics. The contract was signed through the Canadian Commercial Corporation, a Crown Agency of the Canadian Government. Vehicles provided under this contract will be the LAV II version -- a 300 horsepower 8x8 vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of up to 32,000 lbs (14,500 kg). The vehicles will be produced in 10 different variants. The Light Armored Vehicles ordered under this contract are a variant of the Canadian Army’s Coyote; they will be exported, presumably to the Saudi National Guard.
26 November 2009

Canada Canadian LAV I Coyote wheeled armoured combat vehicle technical data sheet



Iran Back Menu
For Teheran the Russian systems S-300 will compensate for the old age of its air defense system.

The out datedness of the anti-aircraft defense equipment (DCA) explains the desire of Teheran to obtain Russian systems of anti-aircraft missiles S-300, declared Wednesday during a conversation with RIA Novosti Vladimir Evséïev, Russian institute of the worldwide economy and international relations. “Iran does not have modern systems, the DCA being equipped with Tor-M1. These systems ensure an anti-aircraft protection in a ray of 20km and they are not mobile. That wants to say that Iran does not have systems able to be protected, also Teheran would like it to obtain the Russian systems of anti-aircraft missiles S-300”, indicated Vladimir Evséïev. In addition, the Russian researcher specified that “S-300 Marie very well with Tor-M1. It was initially expected that Tor-M1 protect S-300, charged in their turn to ensure the protection of the territory of the country. Iran is unable to only manufacture of S-300 because of its not easily retrievable technological delay. Teheran cannot copy this system either. Tor-M1 will not be able to protect the Iranian nuclear sites. All this made that Iran seeks to obtain S-300”.
25 November 2009

Russia respects its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with Iran, declared Tuesday in Moscow the spokesman of the Russian ministry of the Foreign affairs Andrei Nesterenko commenting on the contract Russo-Iranian on the delivery of ground-to-air missiles S-300 in Iran. “The Russian part assumes its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with responsibility and it will always stick to this position… The Russian Federation cooperates with Iran in the military field and technique while respecting its international obligations”, indicated M.Nesterenko. They are “deliveries of purely defensive armaments which cannot destabilize the situation in the area”, it added. A contract of delivery of Russian S-300 missiles in Teheran was signed in December 2005, but the forever officially announced beginning of its execution. In December 2008, Iranian agency IRNA announced that Russia had dispatched towards Iran the first batch of spare parts for S-300. This information was contradicted thereafter by the Russian Federal service in charge of the military technical cooperation.

Russia Russian Army S-300 ballistic missile system picture



Senegal Back Menu
China and Senegal hope to enhance military cooperation.

The Xinhua press agency reports, Senior military officials of China and Senegal said, they would enhance cooperation between the two armed forces. China and Senegal had cooperated beneficially since the resumption of diplomatic ties in 2005, said Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in a meeting in Beijing with Abdoulaye Fall, visiting Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Senegal. Liang appreciated Senegal's support for China on reunification and major international issues. China and Senegal had developed sound military relations and China was willing to work with Senegal to advance friendly cooperation, Liang said. The armed forces in both countries shared similarities in their self-development and Senegal hoped to enhance understanding and trust through more communication and cooperation with the Chinese military, Fall said. Ahead of his meeting with Liang, Fall had discussions with Chen Bingde, Chief of the General Staff of China's People's Liberation Army.
24 November 2009

The Xinhua press agency reports, Senior military officials of China and Senegal said, they would enhance cooperation between the two armed forces. China and Senegal had cooperated beneficially since the resumption of diplomatic ties in 2005, said Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in a meeting in Beijing with Abdoulaye Fall, visiting Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Senegal. Liang appreciated Senegal's support for China on reunification and major international issues. China and Senegal had developed sound military relations and China was willing to work with Senegal to advance friendly cooperation, Liang said. The armed forces in both countries shared similarities in their self-development and Senegal hoped to enhance understanding and trust through more communication and cooperation with the Chinese military, Fall said. Ahead of his meeting with Liang, Fall had discussions with Chen Bingde, Chief of the General Staff of China's People's Liberation Army.
Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Senegal Senegalese Army Abdoulaye Fall picture



United Kingdom Back Menu
High level blast protection for the British GMLRS Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System.

Three members of 39th Regiment Royal Artillery of the British army escaped unscathed when their Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) vehicle recently detonated a large anti-tank mine in Helmand province, Afghanistan. The blast blew off the vehicle's left-side track, separated three wheels from their axles and ripped off the bar armour. Shock absorbers and armour sponson plates were also damaged. However, the crew survived without a scratch thanks to improved ballistic and mine protection which included underbody armour and better protected seats in the cab, fitted to the system over the last year as part of an Urgent Operational Requirement. The upgrades have been fitted on all operationally-deployed GMLRS launchers, and this weapon system is proving extremely successful in the battle against the insurgents with its ability to fire a precision guided rocket up to 70km.
23 November 2009

Three members of 39th Regiment Royal Artillery escaped unscathed when their Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) vehicle recently detonated a large anti-tank mine in Helmand province. The blast blew off the vehicle's left-side track, separated three wheels from their axles and ripped off the bar armour. Shock absorbers and armour sponson plates were also damaged. However, the crew survived without a scratch thanks to improved ballistic and mine protection which included underbody armour and better protected seats in the cab, fitted to the system over the last year as part of an Urgent Operational Requirement. The upgrades have been fitted on all operationally-deployed GMLRS launchers, and this weapon system is proving extremely successful in the battle against the insurgents with its ability to fire a precision guided rocket up to 70km.
United Kingdom British Army GMLRS Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System tracked armoured vehicle picture



Russia Back Menu
Russian army will obtain for the end of 2010, five new tactical missile ballistic systems Iskander-M.

For the end of 2010, the Russian army will obtain five new tactical operational missiles Iskander-M, declared Saturday in Moscow the chief of the ballistic troops and the artillery Sergueï Bogatinov. “The army will be equipped with five Iskander-M missiles, like confirmed it besides the president. It will be done for the end of 2010 enabling us to form a first brigade of missiles, equipped with Iskanders-M”, indicated M.Bogatinov.
23 November 2009

For the end of 2010, the Russian army will obtain five new tactical operational missiles Iskander-M, declared Saturday in Moscow the chief of the ballistic troops and the artillery Sergueï Bogatinov. “The army will be equipped with five Iskander-M missiles, like confirmed it besides the president. It will be done for the end of 2010 enabling us to form a first brigade of missiles, equipped with Iskanders-M”, indicated M.Bogatinov.
Russia Russian Iskander-M tactical ballistic missile system data sheet



Yemen Back Menu
Yemeni army is fighting against Shi'ite rebels.

An armoured personnel carrier is seen on a battlefield in the northwestern Yemeni province of Saada, where the army is fighting Shi'ite rebels, in this undated handout released by the Yemeni army on November 23, 2009.
23 November 2009

An armoured personnel carrier is seen on a battlefield in the northwestern Yemeni province of Saada, where the army is fighting Shi'ite rebels, in this undated handout released by the Yemeni army on November 23, 2009.
Yemen Yemeni army wheeled armoured vehicle picture



France Back Menu
A new order for 16,454 FELIN digital soldier systems.

Hervé Morin, the Minister of Defense, today announced a new order for 16,454 FELIN digital soldier systems (Fantassins à Equipements et Liaisons INtégrés), bringing the total ordered to date to 22,588 units. The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) awarded the acquisition contract to Sagem (Safran Group) on November 20, 2009. The total FELIN program, including development, industrialization, production and initial support, will cost a total of one billion euros. A batch of 358 pre-production systems delivered in December 2008 was evaluated by several army units during the first half of 2009 under different geographical extremes (mountain, jungle, desert). This final phase of testing was to verify the adequacy of the system under the conditions of modern combat. The new or renewed equipment provided includes a protective armour vest, combat clothing, day / night weapon sights, day / night observation and vision systems, communication and information systems, and individual and squad weapons. Offering improved ergonomics FELIN, also provides better protection against the effects of modern small-caliber weapons. Its integrated weapon sights have been completely redesigned, and make it easier to neutralize opponents by day and night. FELIN also greatly improves the flexibility and night fighting capabilities thanks to its enhanced observation and positioning capabilities.
23 November 2009

Hervé Morin, the Minister of Defense, today announced a new order for 16,454 FELIN digital soldier systems (Fantassins à Equipements et Liaisons INtégrés), bringing the total ordered to date to 22,588 units. The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) awarded the acquisition contract to Sagem (Safran Group) on November 20, 2009. The total FELIN program, including development, industrialization, production and initial support, will cost a total of one billion euros. A batch of 358 pre-production systems delivered in December 2008 was evaluated by several army units during the first half of 2009 under different geographical extremes (mountain, jungle, desert). This final phase of testing was to verify the adequacy of the system under the conditions of modern combat. The new or renewed equipment provided includes a protective armour vest, combat clothing, day / night weapon sights, day / night observation and vision systems, communication and information systems, and individual and squad weapons. Offering improved ergonomics FELIN, also provides better protection against the effects of modern small-caliber weapons. Its integrated weapon sights have been completely redesigned, and make it easier to neutralize opponents by day and night. FELIN also greatly improves the flexibility and night fighting capabilities thanks to its enhanced observation and positioning capabilities.
France French Army Felin Integrated Dismounted Soldier Defense System



United States (BAE Systems) Back Menu
BAE SYSTEMS secures $60.6 in contract modifications for heavy vehicle.

BAE Systems has been awarded contract modifications from the U.S. Army Tank Automotive & Armaments Command (TACOM) for work on Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Redesigned Cabs, and M113A3 Ambulance vehicles. The total value of the contract modifications is $60.6 million.
Specifically, the contracts include:
-$54.4 million for installation of survivability modifications on Bradley vehicles at Fort Hood, Texas, Fort Stewart, Georgia, Fort Bliss, Texas, Iraq, Kuwait and Germany. Modifications include an advanced fire suppression system, new seats, new ammunition restraints, and mounting provisions for armor tiles.
-$5.4 million for design updates to the Bradley Operation Desert Storm Situational Awareness vehicles to more closely parallel that of a Bradley A3 vehicle. This design work supports production deliveries to the National Guard in 2010.
-$414,000 for installation of the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and Environmental Control Unit (ECU) modification kits on the MLRS redesigned cabs in the field. The award also includes training to the MLRS crew and maintenance personnel.
-$350,000 for integration of the Mounted Soldier Systems (MSS) for the M113A3 Ambulance vehicle. The system includes cooling vests for crew members, helmet mounted display, wireless intercom improvements, and the Check 6 infra-red rear view system.

23 November 2009

BAE Systems has been awarded contract modifications from the U.S. Army Tank Automotive & Armaments Command (TACOM) for work on Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Redesigned Cabs, and M113A3 Ambulance vehicles. The total value of the contract modifications is $60.6 million.
United States US Army Bradley M2A3 armoured infantry fighting vehicle picture



Lebanon Back Menu
Military parade in Beirut for the 66th anniversary of Lebanon's independence day.

Lebanese army soldiers ride armoured personnel carriers as they take part in a military parade to celebrate the 66th anniversary of Lebanon's independence day in downtown Beirut November 22, 2009.
22 November 2009

Lebanese army soldiers ride armoured personnel carriers as they take part in a military parade to celebrate the 66th anniversary of Lebanon's independence day in downtown Beirut November 22, 2009.
Lebanon Lebanese Army M60A1 main battle tank picture



France (Panhard) Back Menu
Panhard delivers the VBL Mk2 to the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior.

Panhard delivers twenty vehicle VBL Mk2 ordered by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior last year. The Kuwaiti VBL Mk2 is configured to carry anti-terrorist operations in urban areas. The Mk2 version of the VBL benefits from many improvements in relation to previous model: the VBL Mk2 is significantly more powerful by the use of a new 125 hp. Steyr Engine, whilst its all-terain mobility has also been enhanced by the use of a 4-speed ZF automatic gearbox and larger tyres. Centralised tyre inflation also help to improve the VBL's Mk2 mobility over loose terrain, especially sand area. The electrical system in the VBL Mk2 offers new features as an onboard diagnostic system. The Kuwait VBL Mk2 is equipped with a Kongsberg 12.7 mm machine gun turret.
20 November 2009

Panhard delivers twenty vehicle VBL Mk2 ordered by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior last year. The Kuwaiti VBL Mk2 is configured to carry anti-terrorist operations in urban areas. The Mk2 version of the VBL benefits from many improvements in relation to previous model: the VBL Mk2 is significantly more powerful by the use of a new 125 hp. Steyr Engine, whilst its all-terain mobility has also been enhanced by the use of a 4-speed ZF automatic gearbox and larger tyres. Centralised tyre inflation also help to improve the VBL's Mk2 mobility over loose terrain, especially sand area. The electrical system in the VBL Mk2 offers new features as an onboard diagnostic system. The Kuwait VBL Mk2 is equipped with a Kongsberg 12.7 mm machine gun turret.
Kuwait Kuwaiti Panhard VBL Mk2 light wheeled armoured vehicle data sheet



Canada Back Menu
The Close Combat Vehicle (CCV) acquisition project for the Canadian Army.

The Canadian Army is trying to move the CAD2.2 billion (USD2 billion) Close Combat Vehicle (CCV) acquisition project forward quickly, before the minority Conservative government changes, or changes its mind. The project to acquire up to 138 CCVs was announced by the government in July, but plans to issue a solicitation of interest and qualification on 15 September, to be followed swiftly by a request for proposals, have been delayed to give some of the competitors more time to organise their industrial benefits proposals. Under current plans, the 30-45 tonne CCV will not replace a current vehicle, but will bridge the gap between the army's LAV III 8x8 light armoured vehicles and Leopard 2A4 and A6 tanks. The army wants the CCV to be able to deliver fully equipped infantry and forward artillery observers to the battle area for close combat operations, in medium- to high-threat environments, with, where necessary, Leopard tank support.
20 November 2009

The Canadian Army is trying to move the CAD2.2 billion (USD2 billion) Close Combat Vehicle (CCV) acquisition project forward quickly, before the minority Conservative government changes, or changes its mind. The project to acquire up to 138 CCVs was announced by the government in July, but plans to issue a solicitation of interest and qualification on 15 September, to be followed swiftly by a request for proposals, have been delayed to give some of the competitors more time to organise their industrial benefits proposals. Under current plans, the 30-45 tonne CCV will not replace a current vehicle, but will bridge the gap between the army's LAV III 8x8 light armoured vehicles and Leopard 2A4 and A6 tanks. The army wants the CCV to be able to deliver fully equipped infantry and forward artillery observers to the battle area for close combat operations, in medium- to high-threat environments, with, where necessary, Leopard tank support.
Canada Canadian Army Close Combat Vehicle (CCV) Project



United Kindom Back Menu
Warthog vehicle arrives in UK for Afghan modifications.

The first of 100 new Warthog vehicles, bought by the MOD to be used by British troops in Afghanistan's Green Zone, arrived in the UK this 19 November 2009 to be prepared for operations. The MOD has bought more than 100 Warthog amphibious vehicles from Singapore Technologies Kinetics. The first was unveiled yesterday, Thursday 19 November 2009, at Thales UK's new vehicle integration facility in West Wales as the company will be installing UK-specific kit to the vehicles. This will include additional armour, specialist electronic countermeasures equipment and communication tools, before the vehicle is deployed to Afghanistan early next year.
20 November 2009

The first of 100 new Warthog vehicles, bought by the MOD to be used by British troops in Afghanistan's Green Zone, arrived in the UK this 19 November 2009 to be prepared for operations. The MOD has bought more than 100 Warthog amphibious vehicles from Singapore Technologies Kinetics. The first was unveiled yesterday, Thursday 19 November 2009, at Thales UK's new vehicle integration facility in West Wales as the company will be installing UK-specific kit to the vehicles. This will include additional armour, specialist electronic countermeasures equipment and communication tools, before the vehicle is deployed to Afghanistan early next year.
United Kingdom British Army Warthog Singapore Technologies Kinetics tracked armoured vehicle personnel carrier picture



Australia Back Menu
Hawkei Military Vehicle Production to Generate 700 Jobs.

Production of the next generation Hawkei Protected Military Vehicle–Light (PMV-L) in Australia would generate almost 700 jobs in Victoria, most of them in the Bendigo area, according to independent economic analysis. The detailed economic study also found that the Bushmaster vehicle program is currently supporting 1100 jobs, but employment will fall in coming years as orders and production decline on the original Australian Defence Force Bushmaster program. The Managing Director of Thales Australia, Chris Jenkins, said the analysis conducted by ACIL Tasman was the first detailed assessment of the economic contribution of Project Bushranger to Bendigo, Victoria and Australia, taking both direct and indirect benefits into account.
20 November 2009

Production of the next generation Hawkei Protected Military Vehicle–Light (PMV-L) in Australia would generate almost 700 jobs in Victoria, most of them in the Bendigo area, according to independent economic analysis. The detailed economic study also found that the Bushmaster vehicle program is currently supporting 1100 jobs, but employment will fall in coming years as orders and production decline on the original Australian Defence Force Bushmaster program. The Managing Director of Thales Australia, Chris Jenkins, said the analysis conducted by ACIL Tasman was the first detailed assessment of the economic contribution of Project Bushranger to Bendigo, Victoria and Australia, taking both direct and indirect benefits into account.
Australia Australian Thales Hawkei PMV-L Light Protected military vehicle data sheet



United Kingdom (Supacat) Back Menu
Supacat demonstrates a new version of his products, the Jackal ISTAR.

Supacat, working in conjunction with Thales, recently demonstrated their joint prototype Jackal ISTAR variant at the Owning the Night Exhibition at Bisley on 10/11 Nov 09. The system demonstrates the joint team's capability to easily integrate advanced weapons and sensor systems onto a Supacat Jackal recce platform to significantly enhance the ISTAR capability on offer. Using a Supacat platform in the UK MoD's Jackal 2 configuration, the system was fitted with the Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station (RWS) that has already been procured for two UK MOD programmes and also the newly developed and now in service Remote Optical Target Acquisition System (ROTAS) that incorporates the Catherine Mega Pixel thermal camera, high zoom colour TV camera and the Celt laser.
19 November 2009

Supacat, working in conjunction with Thales, recently demonstrated their joint prototype Jackal ISTAR variant at the Owning the Night Exhibition at Bisley on 10/11 Nov 09. The system demonstrates the joint team's capability to easily integrate advanced weapons and sensor systems onto a Supacat Jackal recce platform to significantly enhance the ISTAR capability on offer. Using a Supacat platform in the UK MoD's Jackal 2 configuration, the system was fitted with the Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station (RWS) that has already been procured for two UK MOD programmes and also the newly developed and now in service Remote Optical Target Acquisition System (ROTAS) that incorporates the Catherine Mega Pixel thermal camera, high zoom colour TV camera and the Celt laser.
United Kingdom British Supacat Jackal ISTAR light reconnaissance wheeled vehicle picture



France (Sagem ) Back Menu
Slovenia border police selects Sagem JIM LR infrared multifunction imager.

Following international bidding within the context of the EU’s Schengen programs, Slovenia’s Border Police has selected Sagem’s (Safran group) JIM LR multifunction infrared imagers. As part of the bidding process, Slovenia’s Border Police tested the JIM LR for one month in open terrain and urban areas. In the face of stiff competition, these tests highlighted JIM LR’s effectiveness and confirmed it is well suited to homeland security needs. Ergonomic and highly integrated, JIM LR provides border protection units with enhanced capabilities: day and night detection and identification of vehicles, boats, light aircraft and pedestrians at a distance of up to several kilometers, intelligence gathering for intervention teams, etc. JIM LR’s open architecture means it can be easily integrated in diversified surveillance systems. Case in point: the JIM LR’s ordered by Slovenia will contain remote control terminals produced by the Slovenian company Dat-Con, specialized in homeland security solutions.
19 November 2009

Following international bidding within the context of the EU’s Schengen programs, Slovenia’s Border Police has selected Sagem’s (Safran group) JIM LR multifunction infrared imagers. As part of the bidding process, Slovenia’s Border Police tested the JIM LR for one month in open terrain and urban areas. In the face of stiff competition, these tests highlighted JIM LR’s effectiveness and confirmed it is well suited to homeland security needs. Ergonomic and highly integrated, JIM LR provides border protection units with enhanced capabilities: day and night detection and identification of vehicles, boats, light aircraft and pedestrians at a distance of up to several kilometers, intelligence gathering for intervention teams, etc. JIM LR’s open architecture means it can be easily integrated in diversified surveillance systems. Case in point: the JIM LR’s ordered by Slovenia will contain remote control terminals produced by the Slovenian company Dat-Con, specialized in homeland security solutions.
France French Sagem JIM LR infrared multifunction imager data sheet



Germany (Mercedes-Benz) Back Menu
Germany`s Mercedes-Benz delivered on Oct. 29th 2009 the first of 1,200 specially made G - Class for the Australian Army.

Germany`s Mercedes-Benz delivered on Oct. 29th 2009 the first of 1,200 specially made G - Class offroad vehicles to the Australian Army. The new purpose-built cross-country vehicles will replace the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) existing tactical vehicle fleet. Their entry into the Australia’s military is the result of a large-scale project by the ADF, internally coded as ‘Land 121’ but more commonly referred to as ‘Project Overlander’.
19 November 2009

Germany`s Mercedes-Benz delivered on Oct. 29th 2009 the first of 1,200 specially made G - Class offroad vehicles to the Australian Army. The new purpose-built cross-country vehicles will replace the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) existing tactical vehicle fleet. Their entry into the Australia’s military is the result of a large-scale project by the ADF, internally coded as ‘Land 121’ but more commonly referred to as ‘Project Overlander’.
Germany German Mercedes-Benz Class-G light wheeled army military vehicle picture



Iran Back Menu
S-300 for Iran, Russia respects its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation.

Russia respects its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with Iran, declared Tuesday in Moscow the spokesman of the Russian ministry of the Foreign affairs Andrei Nesterenko commenting on the contract Russo-Iranian on the delivery of ground-to-air missiles S-300 in Iran. “The Russian part assumes its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with responsibility and it will always stick to this position… The Russian Federation cooperates with Iran in the military field and technique while respecting its international obligations”, indicated M.Nesterenko. They are “deliveries of purely defensive armaments which cannot destabilize the situation in the area”, it added. A contract of delivery of Russian S-300 missiles in Teheran was signed in December 2005, but the forever officially announced beginning of its execution. In December 2008, Iranian agency IRNA announced that Russia had dispatched towards Iran the first batch of spare parts for S-300. This information was contradicted thereafter by the Russian Federal service in charge of the military technical cooperation.
17 November 2009

Russia respects its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with Iran, declared Tuesday in Moscow the spokesman of the Russian ministry of the Foreign affairs Andrei Nesterenko commenting on the contract Russo-Iranian on the delivery of ground-to-air missiles S-300 in Iran. “The Russian part assumes its engagements in the field of the military technical cooperation with responsibility and it will always stick to this position… The Russian Federation cooperates with Iran in the military field and technique while respecting its international obligations”, indicated M.Nesterenko. They are “deliveries of purely defensive armaments which cannot destabilize the situation in the area”, it added. A contract of delivery of Russian S-300 missiles in Teheran was signed in December 2005, but the forever officially announced beginning of its execution. In December 2008, Iranian agency IRNA announced that Russia had dispatched towards Iran the first batch of spare parts for S-300. This information was contradicted thereafter by the Russian Federal service in charge of the military technical cooperation.

Russia Russian Army S-300 ballistic missile system picture



Cuba Back Menu
Large-scale military exercises in November for the Cuban army.

The Cuban Defense Ministry has announced that large-scale military exercises will take place in the country on November 26-28. The three-day Bastion-2009 drills will be held on the eve of the National Defense Day, which is celebrated in Cuba on November 29. "The Bastion-2009 strategic exercises will be held through the country on November 26-28 as part of a program aimed at strengthening Cuba's defense capability," the ministry said in a statement on Monday. "The drills will comprise different types of tactical exercises with the participation of units from the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaria [Revolutionary Armed Forces], the Interior Ministry and components of territorial defenses," the statement said. The exercises were originally planned for 2008, but had to be postponed because of the three devastating hurricanes that hit the country last year.
17 November 2009

The Cuban Defense Ministry has announced that large-scale military exercises will take place in the country on November 26-28. The three-day Bastion-2009 drills will be held on the eve of the National Defense Day, which is celebrated in Cuba on November 29. "The Bastion-2009 strategic exercises will be held through the country on November 26-28 as part of a program aimed at strengthening Cuba's defense capability," the ministry said in a statement on Monday. "The drills will comprise different types of tactical exercises with the participation of units from the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaria [Revolutionary Armed Forces], the Interior Ministry and components of territorial defenses," the statement said. The exercises were originally planned for 2008, but had to be postponed because of the three devastating hurricanes that hit the country last year.
Cuba Cuban army SA-2 ground-to-surface missile system tracked armoured vehicle picture



Kuwait Back Menu
Possible Foreign Military Sale to the government of Kuwait of four-year PATRIOT Air Defense System sustainment and repair/return programs

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the government of Kuwait of four-year PATRIOT Air Defense System sustainment and repair/return programs and associated spare parts, equipment and logistical support worth approximately $410 million. The Government of Kuwait has requested a possible sale of four-year PATRIOT Air Defense System sustainment and repair/return programs to include spare and repair parts, support equipment, repair/return, transportation support, modification kits, Contractor Engineering Technical Services/Contractor Maintenance Support Services, Liaison Office Support Services, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $410 million. This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East. The Government of Kuwait needs the PATRIOT sustainment and repair/return program to enhance its capability to meet current and future enemy air-to-ground weapon threats. Kuwait will use the sustained capability to deter regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.
16 November 2009

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the government of Kuwait of four-year PATRIOT Air Defense System sustainment and repair/return programs and associated spare parts, equipment and logistical support worth approximately $410 million. The Government of Kuwait has requested a possible sale of four-year PATRIOT Air Defense System sustainment and repair/return programs to include spare and repair parts, support equipment, repair/return, transportation support, modification kits, Contractor Engineering Technical Services/Contractor Maintenance Support Services, Liaison Office Support Services, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $410 million. This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East. The Government of Kuwait needs the PATRIOT sustainment and repair/return program to enhance its capability to meet current and future enemy air-to-ground weapon threats. Kuwait will use the sustained capability to deter regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.
United States US Army Patriot missile system data sheet



Kazakhstan Back Menu
Finmeccanica expects electro-optic systems developed by its subsidiary Selex Gallileo to be used to upgrade Kazakh T-72 main battle tanks.

Finmeccanica expects electro-optic systems developed by its subsidiary Selex Gallileo to be used to upgrade T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) operated by the Kazakh armed forces under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by the Italian company and Kazakhstan. The industrial co-operation agreements signed between Kazakh sovereign wealth fund (SWF) Samruk-Kazyna and Finmeccanica on 4 November relate to joint projects in the rail and civilian helicopter domains in addition to military electro-optic systems.
10 November 2009

Finmeccanica expects electro-optic systems developed by its subsidiary Selex Gallileo to be used to upgrade T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) operated by the Kazakh armed forces under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by the Italian company and Kazakhstan. The industrial co-operation agreements signed between Kazakh sovereign wealth fund (SWF) Samruk-Kazyna and Finmeccanica on 4 November relate to joint projects in the rail and civilian helicopter domains in addition to military electro-optic systems.
Kazakhstan Kazakh T-72B1 army main battle tank picture



Estonia Back Menu
Estonia rotates troops in Afghanistan.

Estonia has sent fresh troops to Afghanistan as part of a regular rotation of its peacekeeping contingent in the south of the war-torn Central Asian country, the Estonian Defense Ministry has said. Estonian soldiers have been in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) since 2003. About 300 Estonian troops are currently providing support to units of the British 19th Infantry Brigade in the Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan. The ESTCOY-9 motorized infantry unit and the NSE-8 national support element will replace the Estcoy-8 and NSE-7 units, which have been deployed in Afghanistan for six months. Lt. Gen. Ants Laaneots, the commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, said in October that all members of ESTCOY-9 and NSE-8 units were equipped with modern weaponry, including personal night vision devices and compact ground penetrating radars to detect mines. The country's military has seen six deaths and about 30 servicemen wounded during its participation in NATO operations in Afghanistan.
08 November 2009

Estonia has sent fresh troops to Afghanistan as part of a regular rotation of its peacekeeping contingent in the south of the war-torn Central Asian country, the Estonian Defense Ministry has said. Estonian soldiers have been in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) since 2003. About 300 Estonian troops are currently providing support to units of the British 19th Infantry Brigade in the Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan. The ESTCOY-9 motorized infantry unit and the NSE-8 national support element will replace the Estcoy-8 and NSE-7 units, which have been deployed in Afghanistan for six months. Lt. Gen. Ants Laaneots, the commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, said in October that all members of ESTCOY-9 and NSE-8 units were equipped with modern weaponry, including personal night vision devices and compact ground penetrating radars to detect mines. The country's military has seen six deaths and about 30 servicemen wounded during its participation in NATO operations in Afghanistan.
Estonia Estonian Army soldiers ISAF in Afganistan picture



Australia (Thales) Back top page
Thales Australia`s Hawkei Vehicle on display at Armoured Vehicles Australia.

Hawkei is Thales's contender for the Department of Defence's LAND 121 Phase 4 program to replace Army Landrovers. The sleek 7-tonne 4x4 can carry up to six soldiers, and incorporates high levels of blast and ballistic protection. An engineering mock-up of the Hawkei will be on display at Armoured Vehicles Australia (AVA), highlighting its internal seating layout and ground-breaking design. The mock-up is a full scale representation of the vehicle which engineers use to experiment with different internal configurations and ergonomic (human factors) aspects, ensuring the end result is a vehicle designed to optimise operational effectiveness. "The Hawkei is the best solution to meet the Australian Defence Force's light protected vehicle requirements," said Ian Irving, Vice President in charge of Thales's Land & Joint Systems activities in Australia. "Together with Plasan, Boeing and PAC Group, we have formed an unrivalled team. And our exclusive relationship with Plasan for LAND 121-4's Australian option has been a real bonus. We're proud to be working with one of the most sought after composite armour and hull design specialists in the world. "The response to the Hawkei's launch has been overwhelmingly positive and the work done by Thales, along with our partners, is seen as a very compelling offer."
06 November 2009

Hawkei is Thales's contender for the Department of Defence's LAND 121 Phase 4 program to replace Army Landrovers. The sleek 7-tonne 4x4 can carry up to six soldiers, and incorporates high levels of blast and ballistic protection. An engineering mock-up of the Hawkei will be on display at Armoured Vehicles Australia (AVA), highlighting its internal seating layout and ground-breaking design. The mock-up is a full scale representation of the vehicle which engineers use to experiment with different internal configurations and ergonomic (human factors) aspects, ensuring the end result is a vehicle designed to optimise operational effectiveness. "The Hawkei is the best solution to meet the Australian Defence Force's light protected vehicle requirements," said Ian Irving, Vice President in charge of Thales's Land & Joint Systems activities in Australia. "Together with Plasan, Boeing and PAC Group, we have formed an unrivalled team. And our exclusive relationship with Plasan for LAND 121-4's Australian option has been a real bonus. We're proud to be working with one of the most sought after composite armour and hull design specialists in the world. "The response to the Hawkei's launch has been overwhelmingly positive and the work done by Thales, along with our partners, is seen as a very compelling offer."
Australia Australian Hawkei Thales Light wheeled protected high mobility vehicle picture
Technical Data Sheet
Thales Hawkei



Italy (Oto Melara) Back top page
Oto Melara Signs Contract Worth Around 20 Million Euro for 81 HITROLE Light Turrets.

Oto Melara, a Finmeccanica company, signed a contract worth around 20 million euro with Italy’s Ministry of Defence - General Directorate of Terrestrial Armaments to supply 81 HITROLE Light turrets. The HITROLE turrets will be used to equip a number of the Lince vehicles currently employed in Afghanistan, thus increasing operational effectiveness and diminishing risks to personnel. The contract also includes technical assistance. Oto Melara was selected by Italy’s Ministry of Defence following an international tender that began in July this year. The first turret will be delivered for operational testing four months from the contract registration, while a large number of the turrets will be delivered by the second half of 2010.
05 November 2009

Oto Melara, a Finmeccanica company, signed a contract worth around 20 million euro with Italy’s Ministry of Defence - General Directorate of Terrestrial Armaments to supply 81 HITROLE Light turrets. The HITROLE turrets will be used to equip a number of the Lince vehicles currently employed in Afghanistan, thus increasing operational effectiveness and diminishing risks to personnel. The contract also includes technical assistance. Oto Melara was selected by Italy’s Ministry of Defence following an international tender that began in July this year. The first turret will be delivered for operational testing four months from the contract registration, while a large number of the turrets will be delivered by the second half of 2010.
Italy Italian Oto Melara HITROLE light turret for armoured vehicle picture



United States (Lockheed Martin) Back top page
Lockheed Martin’s Guided MLRS Reaches New Distance Record In Successful Test.

Lockheed Martin successfully fired a U.S. Army Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rocket 92 kilometers in a recent test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. The flawless test highlighted recent product improvements of this battle-proven system to give it a longer reach, maintaining its accuracy and effectiveness while minimizing potential collateral damage. Firing crews for the launch were from the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery from Fort Lewis, WA. This test firing of a unitary GMLRS met all mission objectives, which included:
- Verify production of GMLRS and HIMARS production lines;
- Validating rocket and launcher reliability;
- Proving performance of system software; and
- Obtaining performance, technical and reliability data.

05 November 2009

Lockheed Martin successfully fired a U.S. Army Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rocket 92 kilometers in a recent test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. The flawless test highlighted recent product improvements of this battle-proven system to give it a longer reach, maintaining its accuracy and effectiveness while minimizing potential collateral damage. Firing crews for the launch were from the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery from Fort Lewis, WA. This test firing of a unitary GMLRS met all mission objectives, which included: Lockheed Martin successfully fired a U.S. Army Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rocket 92 kilometers in a recent test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. The flawless test highlighted recent product improvements of this battle-proven system to give it a longer reach, maintaining its accuracy and effectiveness while minimizing potential collateral damage. Firing crews for the launch were from the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery from Fort Lewis, WA. This test firing of a unitary GMLRS met all mission objectives, which included:
United States US-army Guided Multiple Rocket Launcher system armoured vehicle picture United States US-Army HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System truck picture



France (EADS) Back top page
EADS Defence delivers the First Five SIR Command Systems for the French Army’s VBCI .

EADS Defence & Security (DS) has just delivered the first five SIR (Regimental Information System) command systems to the DGA. These systems will equip the new generation of VBCI armoured vehicles. This delivery is the outcome of three years of development work conducted in close collaboration with the DGA and the representatives of the French Army. Ultimately, 110 VBCIs are to be equipped with the SIR, which will be used in the different theatres of operation where the French Army is deployed. Since 2002, EADS Defence & Security, through its integrated Business Unit Defence and Communications Systems (DCS), has supplied some 600 SIR systems integrated in different types of Forward Armoured Vehicles (VAB, Véhicules de l’avant blindé), 10’ and 15’ shelters, and AMX10 combat vehicles. 118 SIR kits used in off-vehicle mode have also been produced by DCS. Today, the SIR has been delivered to 80 regiments and French Army training schools. The SIR technology is interoperable with the other command systems of the French Army and NATO. The SIR software was entirely produced by DCS, which constantly upgrades the system to satisfy the Army's requirements. At the core of the digitisation of the battle space, this system permits fully integrated command at regiment, group, battalion, squadron and company levels. DCS developed this technology to meet the highly specific needs of the French Ministry of Defence, to speed up the Command and Control processes and fully coordinate the units and weapons systems while guaranteeing very high mobility and surveillance capacities.
04 November 2009

EADS Defence & Security (DS) has just delivered the first five SIR (Regimental Information System) command systems to the DGA. These systems will equip the new generation of VBCI armoured vehicles. This delivery is the outcome of three years of development work conducted in close collaboration with the DGA and the representatives of the French Army. Ultimately, 110 VBCIs are to be equipped with the SIR, which will be used in the different theatres of operation where the French Army is deployed. Since 2002, EADS Defence & Security, through its integrated Business Unit Defence and Communications Systems (DCS), has supplied some 600 SIR systems integrated in different types of Forward Armoured Vehicles (VAB, Véhicules de l’avant blindé), 10’ and 15’ shelters, and AMX10 combat vehicles. 118 SIR kits used in off-vehicle mode have also been produced by DCS. Today, the SIR has been delivered to 80 regiments and French Army training schools. The SIR technology is interoperable with the other command systems of the French Army and NATO. The SIR software was entirely produced by DCS, which constantly upgrades the system to satisfy the Army's requirements. At the core of the digitisation of the battle space, this system permits fully integrated command at regiment, group, battalion, squadron and company levels. DCS developed this technology to meet the highly specific needs of the French Ministry of Defence, to speed up the Command and Control processes and fully coordinate the units and weapons systems while guaranteeing very high mobility and surveillance capacities.
France French Army VBCI Nexter Systems wheeled armoured infantry fighting combat vehicle picture



United States (General Dynamics ) Back top page
General Dynamics UK-led Team Delivers FRES Ascod SV Bid.

General Dynamics has submitted its bid to provide the British Army's next generation of reconnaissance Armoured Fighting Vehicles. The General Dynamics team, led by General Dynamics UK, is offering a low-risk evolution of the ASCOD Infantry Fighting Vehicle, already in use with the Spanish and Austrian armies, for the Specialist Vehicle element of the Future Rapid Effect System (FRES SV). The ASCOD SV vehicle will have the best mobility in its class, with tremendous growth potential for optimum survivability for British troops against the threats of the future. General Dynamics has integrated turrets from every leading manufacturer onto its vehicles, and has selected Lockheed Martin UK INSYS as its turret provider for the Scout variant of FRES SV. Dr Sandy Wilson, President and Managing Director of General Dynamics UK, said: "General Dynamics' ASCOD SV has leap-frogged its rival for FRES. Based on a proven European design, ASCOD SV is the latest-generation vehicle developed specifically for FRES SV by a team of GD's British and European engineers. It is a low-risk choice for FRES SV, with excellent weight and growth potential. Our UK engineering talent and experience means that General Dynamics UK is now the country's leading integrator of Armoured Fighting Vehicles. We're offering a new solution with best-of-class technology and the confidence that comes from our track record of being trusted to deliver."
04 November 2009

General Dynamics has submitted its bid to provide the British Army's next generation of reconnaissance Armoured Fighting Vehicles. The General Dynamics team, led by General Dynamics UK, is offering a low-risk evolution of the ASCOD Infantry Fighting Vehicle, already in use with the Spanish and Austrian armies, for the Specialist Vehicle element of the Future Rapid Effect System (FRES SV). The ASCOD SV vehicle will have the best mobility in its class, with tremendous growth potential for optimum survivability for British troops against the threats of the future. General Dynamics has integrated turrets from every leading manufacturer onto its vehicles, and has selected Lockheed Martin UK INSYS as its turret provider for the Scout variant of FRES SV. Dr Sandy Wilson, President and Managing Director of General Dynamics UK, said: "General Dynamics' ASCOD SV has leap-frogged its rival for FRES. Based on a proven European design, ASCOD SV is the latest-generation vehicle developed specifically for FRES SV by a team of GD's British and European engineers. It is a low-risk choice for FRES SV, with excellent weight and growth potential. Our UK engineering talent and experience means that General Dynamics UK is now the country's leading integrator of Armoured Fighting Vehicles. We're offering a new solution with best-of-class technology and the confidence that comes from our track record of being trusted to deliver." General Dynamics has submitted its bid to provide the British Army's next generation of reconnaissance Armoured Fighting Vehicles. The General Dynamics team, led by General Dynamics UK, is offering a low-risk evolution of the ASCOD Infantry Fighting Vehicle, already in use with the Spanish and Austrian armies, for the Specialist Vehicle element of the Future Rapid Effect System (FRES SV). The ASCOD SV vehicle will have the best mobility in its class, with tremendous growth potential for optimum survivability for British troops against the threats of the future. General Dynamics has integrated turrets from every leading manufacturer onto its vehicles, and has selected Lockheed Martin UK INSYS as its turret provider for the Scout variant of FRES SV. Dr Sandy Wilson, President and Managing Director of General Dynamics UK, said: "General Dynamics' ASCOD SV has leap-frogged its rival for FRES. Based on a proven European design, ASCOD SV is the latest-generation vehicle developed specifically for FRES SV by a team of GD's British and European engineers. It is a low-risk choice for FRES SV, with excellent weight and growth potential. Our UK engineering talent and experience means that General Dynamics UK is now the country's leading integrator of Armoured Fighting Vehicles. We're offering a new solution with best-of-class technology and the confidence that comes from our track record of being trusted to deliver."
General Dynamics ASCOD 2 armoured tracked infantry fighting combat vehicle picture General Dynamics ASCOD 2 armoured tracked infantry fighting combat vehicle picture



Nepal Back top page
Nepal's army and police have been placed on high alert.

Nepal's army and police have been placed on high alert, a government minister said Tuesday, after the opposition Maoist party announced plans to blockade the capital and shut down the main airport. Finance Minister Surendra Pandey said the Maoists' plans were in breach of the 2006 peace agreement signed by the former guerrillas, who have held regular protests in Nepal since their government fell in May. "The government has placed all the security agencies on high alert in view of the protests," said Pandey. "The Maoists have violated the spirit of the comprehensive peace accord by announcing plans to blockade the Kathmandu Valley and shut down the airport. This is not a democratic way to press for their demands." The Maoists, who fought a 10-year civil war against the state before winning landmark elections in 2008, last week announced a fortnight of nationwide protests aimed at destabilising the new coalition government. They have vowed to bring Kathmandu to a standstill on November 10 by shutting the country's only international airport during the peak tourist season and blocking all roads into the capital. They are calling for the president to apologise for blocking Maoist leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal's attempt to sack the head of the army, a move they say was unconstitutional.
04 November 2009

Nepal's army and police have been placed on high alert, a government minister said Tuesday, after the opposition Maoist party announced plans to blockade the capital and shut down the main airport. Finance Minister Surendra Pandey said the Maoists' plans were in breach of the 2006 peace agreement signed by the former guerrillas, who have held regular protests in Nepal since their government fell in May. "The government has placed all the security agencies on high alert in view of the protests," said Pandey. "The Maoists have violated the spirit of the comprehensive peace accord by announcing plans to blockade the Kathmandu Valley and shut down the airport. This is not a democratic way to press for their demands." The Maoists, who fought a 10-year civil war against the state before winning landmark elections in 2008, last week announced a fortnight of nationwide protests aimed at destabilising the new coalition government. They have vowed to bring Kathmandu to a standstill on November 10 by shutting the country's only international airport during the peak tourist season and blocking all roads into the capital. They are calling for the president to apologise for blocking Maoist leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal's attempt to sack the head of the army, a move they say was unconstitutional.
Nepal's army and police have been placed on high alert



Russia Back top page
Russia proposed to NATO the bigger helicopter of the world, the Mi-26.

Associated to the project of development of a heavy helicopter fulfilling the requirements of NATO, Russia proposed to NATO the bigger helicopter of the world, the MI-26 (NATO code: Halo), announced Mikhaïl Korotkevitch, chairman of Helicopter Factory of Moscow, to the journalists. “The design of a powerful helicopter is often evoked by NATO, and the Member States of Alliance express an important interest for our heavy helicopters”, it declared. Work of the research department Mil, the MI-26T is currently in time of a modernization. According to M.Korotkevitch, this helicopter answers 100% with the requirements formulated by Atlantic Alliance. “The tests are showed that the Mi-26T satisfied with all the requirements emitted towards the transport cargo of NATO. There is not any doubt that the future will belong to this aircraft and its supplier, and the Rostov factory of helicopters. Multi-purpose helicopter with broad fuselage, the Mi-26T is intended for the cargo transport of and weapons of important size. It is also used for the building work, the installation of high voltage pylons, the assembly of equipment of drilling and the fire control.
03 November 2009

Associated to the project of development of a heavy helicopter fulfilling the requirements of NATO, Russia proposed to NATO the bigger helicopter of the world, the MI-26 (NATO code: Halo), announced Mikhaïl Korotkevitch, chairman of Helicopter Factory of Moscow, to the journalists. “The design of a powerful helicopter is often evoked by NATO, and the Member States of Alliance express an important interest for our heavy helicopters”, it declared. Work of the research department Mil, the MI-26T is currently in time of a modernization. According to M.Korotkevitch, this helicopter answers 100% with the requirements formulated by Atlantic Alliance. “The tests are showed that the Mi-26T satisfied with all the requirements emitted towards the transport cargo of NATO. There is not any doubt that the future will belong to this aircraft and its supplier, and the Rostov factory of helicopters. Multi-purpose helicopter with broad fuselage, the Mi-26T is intended for the cargo transport of and weapons of important size. It is also used for the building work, the installation of high voltage pylons, the assembly of equipment of drilling and the fire control.
Russia Russian Mi-26 HALO cargo transport helicopter picture



Canada Back top page
Technical problems on the tanks Leopard 2A6 used by the Canadian Army in Afghanistan.

The Canadian army could not use some of its new tanks in Afghanistan shortly after their arrival because of technical problems, indicated the auditor General Sheila Fraser in a report published Tuesday. So that the tanks Leopard 2A6M are of return on the combat battlefield, it was necessary to strip some parts of other armoured vehicles in the zone of war, or on tanks intended for the training. According to the general auditor, the problem was worsened by a shortage of spare parts. She added that it is as a last resort that one takes parts on tanks on the field, but that the operational force in Afghanistan immediately started to use this method as of the arrival of the Leopard 2 A6M. A series of intense combat and a growing number of roadside bombs obliged the army to deploy a squadron of old tanks Leopard 1 in Kandahar, in the autumn of 2006. The commanders quickly realized that the tanks are old and that air-conditioning is not adequate in the desert. In April 2007, the conservative government announced that it was going to spend 650 million $ for an emergency plan for the acquisition of new tanks.
03 November 2009

The Canadian army could not use some of its new tanks in Afghanistan shortly after their arrival because of technical problems, indicated the auditor General Sheila Fraser in a report published Tuesday. So that the tanks Leopard 2A6M are of return on the combat battlefield, it was necessary to strip some parts of other armoured vehicles in the zone of war, or on tanks intended for the training. According to the general auditor, the problem was worsened by a shortage of spare parts. She added that it is as a last resort that one takes parts on tanks on the field, but that the operational force in Afghanistan immediately started to use this method as of the arrival of the Leopard 2 A6M. A series of intense combat and a growing number of roadside bombs obliged the army to deploy a squadron of old tanks Leopard 1 in Kandahar, in the autumn of 2006. The commanders quickly realized that the tanks are old and that air-conditioning is not adequate in the desert. In April 2007, the conservative government announced that it was going to spend 650 million $ for an emergency plan for the acquisition of new tanks
Canada Canadian Army Leopard 2A6 main battle tank picture



United Kingdom (BAE Systems) Back top page
BAE’s bid for the FRES Specialist Vehicle competition will be based on the CV90 chassis.

BAE’s bid for the FRES Specialist Vehicle competition will be based on the CV90 chassis, seen here in Norwegian service, fitted with a turret-mounted 40mm automatic cannon. BAE Systems will submit its bid for the British Army’s most important programme on Thursday 5 November. The bid is for “Recce Block 1”, the £2bn first phase of the FRES SV (Future Rapid Effect System – Specialist Vehicles) programme. The Scout variant will give British troops a much-needed replacement for the ageing CVR(T) Scimitar, with greatly improved protection, firepower and reconnaissance abilities. The UK Ministry of Defence has said it will select a winner in the first quarter of 2010. The BAE Systems contender for all the variants is based on the latest version of its proven CV90 chassis, sold to six countries and recognised as the best combat vehicle in its class. For the vital Scout role, the chassis has been shortened and given a lower profile. The Scout turret and UK mission fit of all variants will be integrated onto the chassis in the UK, preserving jobs and the key skills necessary to continue to support British Army operations. BAE Systems has delivered well over 100 urgent operational requirements to modify vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, mostly to provide protection to crews against ever-changing threats. The CV90 chassis has a mature supply chain, much of it already in the UK, and BAE Systems plans to increase UK content. The vehicle, turret technology and weapon system all have significant export potential. BAE Systems has already spent more than £25m – not including the weapon system - on developing an all-new British-designed turret for the Scout variant. It features sophisticated sensor systems and a revolutionary 40mm cannon. The latter’s ease of use, ability to fire on the move, versatility and much-increased punch means that it will give a major improvement over the 30mm Rarden gun used in Scimitar. Its 40mm high explosive round has more than three times the explosive power of the 30mm Rarden, while its armour-piercing projectile will penetrate more than 140mm of steel armour. The BAE Systems FRES demonstrator vehicle has already begun mobility trials at Millbrook proving ground and fired its weapon system at the Shoeburyness range.
02 November 2009

BAE’s bid for the FRES Specialist Vehicle competition will be based on the CV90 chassis, seen here in Norwegian service, fitted with a turret-mounted 40mm automatic cannon. BAE Systems will submit its bid for the British Army’s most important programme on Thursday 5 November. The bid is for “Recce Block 1”, the £2bn first phase of the FRES SV (Future Rapid Effect System – Specialist Vehicles) programme. The Scout variant will give British troops a much-needed replacement for the ageing CVR(T) Scimitar, with greatly improved protection, firepower and reconnaissance abilities. The UK Ministry of Defence has said it will select a winner in the first quarter of 2010. The BAE Systems contender for all the variants is based on the latest version of its proven CV90 chassis, sold to six countries and recognised as the best combat vehicle in its class. For the vital Scout role, the chassis has been shortened and given a lower profile. The Scout turret and UK mission fit of all variants will be integrated onto the chassis in the UK, preserving jobs and the key skills necessary to continue to support British Army operations. BAE Systems has delivered well over 100 urgent operational requirements to modify vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, mostly to provide protection to crews against ever-changing threats. The CV90 chassis has a mature supply chain, much of it already in the UK, and BAE Systems plans to increase UK content. The vehicle, turret technology and weapon system all have significant export potential. BAE Systems has already spent more than £25m – not including the weapon system - on developing an all-new British-designed turret for the Scout variant. It features sophisticated sensor systems and a revolutionary 40mm cannon. The latter’s ease of use, ability to fire on the move, versatility and much-increased punch means that it will give a major improvement over the 30mm Rarden gun used in Scimitar. Its 40mm high explosive round has more than three times the explosive power of the 30mm Rarden, while its armour-piercing projectile will penetrate more than 140mm of steel armour. The BAE Systems FRES demonstrator vehicle has already begun mobility trials at Millbrook proving ground and fired its weapon system at the Shoeburyness range.
British United Kingdom BAE Systems CV90 with 40 mm turret picture



Russia Back top page
Less than 10% modern helicopters used in the Russian Army.

Modern helicopters constitute less than 10% of the helicopters used by the Russian armed forces, declared Monday the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Sergueï Ivanov at a meeting of the military industrial Commission of Russia. “The park of helicopters currently in service is at the same time worn and obsolete. The part of the modern helicopters is lower than 10% of those which are used by the Russian air forces”, it affirmed. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that a similar situation characterized aviation concerned with Federal security service (FSB), of the ministry for the Interior and the ministry for the Emergencies. “We must change this share to 80% from here at 2020”, it pointed out.
02 November 2009

Modern helicopters constitute less than 10% of the helicopters used by the Russian armed forces, declared Monday the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Sergueï Ivanov at a meeting of the military industrial Commission of Russia. “The park of helicopters currently in service is at the same time worn and obsolete. The part of the modern helicopters is lower than 10% of those which are used by the Russian air forces”, it affirmed. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that a similar situation characterized aviation concerned with Federal security service (FSB), of the ministry for the Interior and the ministry for the Emergencies. “We must change this share to 80% from here at 2020”, it pointed out.
Russia Russian Mi-28 modern fighting combat helicopter picture



Sweden Back top page
Patria comments on the court decision in Sweden.

The Stockholm County Administrative Court has today decided that the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV's decision to award the AWV 2014 contract to Patria must be cancelled and the public procurement proceedings are recommenced due to inadequacies in the procurement process. Patria regrets the decision of the Administrative Court’s decision. However, Patria is confident to succeed even in the new tender process as Patria AMV is considered to be a high quality vehicle proven in the international crisis management operations. Sweden’s FMV defense procurement agency recently selected Finland’s Patria for a EUR 240 million contract to deliver 113 AMV (Armoured Modular Vehicle) wheeled Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) to the Swedish Armed Forces. The 27 tonne AMV has a crew of 3, and can carry up to 9 soldiers. A varied set of turrets and modules can configure it for different roles, from MEDEVAC through to IFV or even automated mortar carrier.
01 November 2009

The Stockholm County Administrative Court has today decided that the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV's decision to award the AWV 2014 contract to Patria must be cancelled and the public procurement proceedings are recommenced due to inadequacies in the procurement process. Patria regrets the decision of the Administrative Court’s decision. However, Patria is confident to succeed even in the new tender process as Patria AMV is considered to be a high quality vehicle proven in the international crisis management operations. Sweden’s FMV defense procurement agency recently selected Finland’s Patria for a EUR 240 million contract to deliver 113 AMV (Armoured Modular Vehicle) wheeled Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) to the Swedish Armed Forces. The 27 tonne AMV has a crew of 3, and can carry up to 9 soldiers. A varied set of turrets and modules can configure it for different roles, from MEDEVAC through to IFV or even automated mortar carrier.
Finnish Finland Patria AMV wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier picture
Technical Data Sheet Patria AMV


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