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TAI's T-129 ATAK combat helicopter achieves its "Poland roadshow" at MSPO 2015 20109155.

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MSPO 2015
Official Foreign Online Show Daily News and Official Web TV
International Defense Industry Exhibition & conference
1 - 4 September 2015
Kielce , Poland
TAI at MSPO 2015
TAI's T129 ATAK combat helicopter achieves its "Poland roadshow" at MSPO 2015
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T129 ATAK combat helicopter touched down in Targi Kielce on Sunday morning and is now put on show at the 23rd MSPO International Defence Industry Exhibition held from 1st to 4th September 2015. The ATAK helicopter is offered to Republic of Poland's Armed Forces by the Turkish Aerospace Industries company under the Kruk programme.
TAI 129 ATAK combat helicopter achieves its Poland roadshow MSPO 2015 640 001TAI T129 ATAK combat helicopter displayed at MSPO 2015
The TAI T129 ATAK Helicopter recently made its first ever public appearance in Poland during Radom Airshow on Sat/Sun August 22-23, 2015. The T129 ATAK helicopter has also been presented to Polish and Turkish high officials, industrial partners and the media at a private event with a flight demonstration at Warsaw-Babice Airport on Friday, August 28, 2015.

T129 ATAK, Advanced Attack and Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopter is a new generation, tandem two-seat, twin engine helicopter, specifically designed for attack and reconnaissance purposes. T129 ATAK incorporates a totally new system philosophy, with new engines (LHTEC CTS 800-4A), new avionics, visionics and weapon systems, a modified airframe, upgraded drive train and new tail rotor. T129 ATAK has been optimized to meet and exceed the performance requirements of the most challenging geographical and environmental conditions.

The first batch of T129 ATAK Helicopters has already been delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces and is in service supporting the missions of the Turkish Army. As an integral member of the NATO alliance, the Turkish Armed Forces have always been at the leading edge of innovative defense technology. With the strong endorsement of the Turkish Armed Forces, the already significant international interest on the T129 ATAK as a superior alternative attack helicopter is expected to intensify.




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