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Venezuela and Colombian presidents restore diplomatic relation.

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Venezuela and Colombian presidents, Hugo Chavez and Juan Manuel Santos have agreed to restore diplomatic ties following a dispute last month. It is the first major initiative from the newly elected Colombian leader although it’s not clear how Santos’s rightist policies will rub along with the volatile Socialist Chavez. The row had involved accusations that Venezuela was harbouring Colombian rebels, but Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos seems to have been reassured over the matter. “President Chavez told me that he will not allow any presence on his territory of outlawed groups. And this is something very important for us, and I think this is an important step in order to keep our relations on a solid basis,” said Santos. When the former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe publicly produced evidence of the camps inside Venezuela, Chavez cut all ties with his neighbour. Santos who wants trade benefits for Colombian food producers has subsequently distanced himself from his predecessor.Venezuela and Colombian presidents, Hugo Chavez and Juan Manuel Santos have agreed to restore diplomatic ties following a dispute last month. It is the first major initiative from the newly elected Colombian leader ......

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