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2011 Budget, the Best of Recent Years for Albanian Armed Forces.

| 2011
Official Online Show Daily News
ALMEX 2011
Albanian Military Exhibition

Tirana, Albania
27 - 29 October 2011
ALMEX 2011: Albanian Armed Forces Budget to rise for coming years
Friday, October 28, 2011, 11:25 PM
2011 Budget, the Best of Recent Years for Albanian Armed Forces
21.6 billion lekë for the modernization of equipment, infrastructure improvements and peacekeeping forces. The 2011 allocated budget is 21 billion 631 million and 500 thousand lekë. For 2012, the government has promised that the budget for the Ministry of Defense will be 24 billion 667 million lekë, while in 2013 it is projected to reach 27 billion lekë

Despite the world economic crisis, the Albanian Armed Forces have not faced any budgetary cuts. In keeping with the membership obligations of NATO member nations, the Albanian Armed Forces where fully supported financially by the Albanian Government. Since the start of discussions on the budget draft for this year, the Ministry of Finance, that of Defense and the heads of the Armed Forces agreed to fulfill to their best all the obligations that our army has to uphold so as to become a modern military force. During these months the Ministry of Defense has managed well all the funds allocated by the government for use during 2011. Thus, the more than 21 billion and 631 million lekë allocated by the 2011 state budget have been used and continue to be used toward the fulfillment of all obligations and needs of the Armed Forces. This budget secured the necessary financial support for goods, expenses, missions and objectives carried out by the Armed Forces structures. This amount, which is the largest issued in recent years, served for the modernization of the Armed Forces and the construction and/or purchase of modern flight and navy military equipment and vehicles. A large part of the budget allocated by the government for the Ministry of Defense has served toward full engagements in peacekeeping missions and the demolition of superfluous munitions in the country. Just a few days before its approval by the Parliament, Minister Arben Imami declared it as one of the highest amounts ever allocated in recent history by the government. “We deem the 2011 budget draft-law to be sufficient to address all the missions and major obligations of the Armed Forces. In total, this could be considered the highest amount ever availed to the Armed Forces.”
21.6 billion lekë for the modernization of equipment, infrastructure improvements and peacekeeping forces. The 2011 allocated budget is 21 billion 631 million and 500 thousand lekë. For 2012, the government has promised that the budget for the Ministry of Defense will be 24 billion 667 million lekë, while in 2013 it is projected to reach 27 billion lekë.
Albania Defense Minister Arben Imami at Albanian Military Exhibition ALMEX 2011

A few days ago, the former Minister of Defense himself gave his highest consideration for the funds allocated by the Albanian Government to the Armed Forces. During the inauguration of the “Oriku” ship in the port of Pasha Limanit and before its launch into the waters, Minister Arben Imami said that the budget for the modernization of the army has been used to full efficiency. “Despite the global economic crisis, the budged for the Ministry of Defense has been consolidated well and substantial steps have been made with regard to its management. The modernization budget is estimated at about 20 million Euro per year and its utilization for 2010 was 100 percent, which is expected for 2011 as well.” By mention of some of the future projects, minister Imami said in his word that this is the way forward that will lead the Albanian army toward its full modernization. “In addition to the purchase of helicopters and the modernization of the armament, the project for the construction of the four patrolling ships with a value of about 31 million euro, is one of the most important projects in the framework of the complete modernization of the Armed Forces” according to minister Imami at the Pasha Limanit army base. These achievements and actions of the Ministry of Defense serve as clear indicators of how well thought out were the decisions of where and how the funds should go so that the Albanian taxpayers money could be used with maximum efficiency, to achieve the major obligations for Albania in the framework of its membership into NATO. Meanwhile, the 2011 budget has allowed the purchase of other modern equipment which will be used by the Armed Forces. An investment of 2 billion and 184 million Lekë has been made for the purchase of multi-role helicopters. Likewise, the 2011 budget made possible the establishment of the e-mobile operational center, valued at 146 million lekë as well as the purchase of land equipment for the First Reaction Brigade valued at 130 million lekë. Unlike before, the state budget made possible the purchase of patrolling vessels in the amount of 116 million lekë. Meanwhile, another 56 million lekë supported the continuing engineering works at the Pasha Limani naval base. Besides these projects, the Center of Culture, Media and Defense Publications has been renovated for 288 million lekë.

Future Years

For 2011, the allocated budget is 21 billion and 631 million and 500 thousand lekë. In 2012, the government has promised that the Ministry of Defense budget will reach 24 billion and 667 million lekë, meanwhile in 2013 the projected budget should reach 27 billion lekë. The government and the Ministry of Defense consider it of great importance that this growing budget should be focused on major responsibilities as well as military missions internally and abroad. In a report submitted to the Parliamentary Security Commission, minister Arben Imami reported that very soon the Naval and Air Forces, as well as other units of the army, will have their new uniforms ready. “In 2012, all of the Albanian Army will have its new uniforms, which will be of high quality and standards equal to that of distinguished NATO nations. We have concluded the redesign of the new uniforms and in the next year we will open up tenders for their production. We are completely engaged in this process. We are determining the best standards and quality of clothing and will require that the production company to have over 10 years of experience in the production of military clothing and uniforms for other NATO member countries”, said minister Imami.


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