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Counter IEDs IED 2012 Conference Improvised Explosive Device daily news actualités speakers visitors.

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Counter IEDs IED 2012 Conference Improvised Explosive Device daily news actualités speakers visitors program information London United Kingdom
6th Annual Counter-IEDs Conference
London, United Kingdom
30 - 31 May 2012


6TH COUNTER IEDs 2012 Conference

A Holistic Approach to Countering the Evolving Threat from IEDs
As the dust settles after our 5th annual Counter IED conference, the DefenceIQ team we would like to extend our thanks to all of those who took time our of their busy schedules to participate in the event. The event featured fascinating presentations from a diverse array of C-IED experts, whose insights made for a highly engaging and very interesting three days.
The event will allow delegates to:
• Hear from senior representatives within the UK MoD, US Marine Corps and US Army about how their organisations are countering the threat from IEDs, where their key successes have come from, and how you can apply these lessons to your own armed forces
• Gain insight into how JIEDDO funded research is identifying the key cognitive skills required for military personnel to successfully identify potential IED sites, and how these skill sets can subsequently be taught to servicemen to improve device detection rates
• Learn how NATO, US and other coalition partners are successfully developing flexible TTPs for both allied and indigenous forces to improve device detection rates, IED network mapping and EOD operations

IED overview

An IED (Improvised Explosive Device), also known as a roadside bomb, is a "homemade" device that is designed to cause death or injury by using explosives alone or in combination with toxic chemicals, biological toxins, or radiological material. IEDs can be produced in varying sizes, functioning methods, containers, and delivery methods. IEDs can utilize commercial or military explosives, homemade explosives, or military ordnance and ordnance components.

Iraqi Police discovered this improvised explosive device in eastern Baghdad and disarmed it before it could be detonated in a terrorist attack. The IED comprises 4 large artillery shells plus an anti-tank mine, all connected together via detonating cord. This would cause the 5 devices to detonate simultaneously.
The enemy in Iraq has used IEDs consisting of mortar and artillery projectiles as the explosive device. The most common explosives used are military munitions, usually 122 mm or greater mortar/tank/artillery.

An American armoured vehicle Cougar was hit in Al Anbar, Iraq by a directed charge IED approximately 300-500 lbs in size. All crew members survived the blast and went out the next day.
Detection and disarmament
Since these devices are improvised, there are no specific guidelines for explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel to use to positively identify or categorize them. EOD personnel are trained in the rendering safe and disposal of IEDs. The presence of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) material in an IED requires additional precautions. As with other missions, the EOD operator provides the area commander with an assessment of the situation and of support needed to complete the mission.

A British Royal Navy bomb disposal expert conducts confirmation drills during routine Counter-IED (Improvised Explosive Device) training.
Military forces and law enforcement personnel from around the world have developed a number of render safe procedures (RSP) to deal with IEDs. RSPs may be developed as a result of direct experience with devices or by applied research designed to counter the threat. The supposed effectiveness of IED jamming systems, proven or otherwise, has caused IED technology to essentially regress to command-wire detonation methods. These are physical connections between the detonator and explosive device and cannot be jammed. However, these types of IEDs are more difficult to emplace quickly, and are more readily detected.

Military forces from India, Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Spain and the United States are at the forefront of counter-IED efforts, as all have direct experience in dealing with IEDs used against them in conflict or terrorist attacks. From the research and development side, programs such as the new Canadian Unmanned Systems Challenge, will bring students groups together to invent an unmanned device to both locate IEDs and pinpoint the insurgents.

Technological countermeasures are only part of the solution in the effort to defeat IEDs; experience, training, and awareness remain key factors in combating them. For example, there are visual signs that may suggest the presence of an IED, such as recently turned-over soil or sand by a road, or an abandoned vehicle beside a road. Recognizing these telltale signs may be as valuable as having sophisticated detection equipment.

A British soldier operates the remote controlled Mark 8 Wheel Barrow Counter IED Robot. The soldier is part of the EOD(Explosive Ordinance Device) and Search team based out of FOB (Forward Operating Base) Ouellette.
6th Annual Counter-IEDs 2012 Official Website
Visit the website online at Counter-IED's 2012
Click here fo register at IED's Conference 2012.
If you would like to find out further information regarding speaking, sponsoring or marketing opportunities at the 6th Annual Counter-IEDs event contact:

Speaking Opportunities: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Marketing Opportunities: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or simply call: +44 (0) 207 368 9300

Other sources
Annual Counter IEDs Conference 2012 programme Back Menu
DAY 1, Wednesday 30 May 2012

08:30 - 17.00

Not yet available
DAY 2, Thursday 31 May 2012

08:30 - 17:00

Not yet available
COUNTER IEDs 2012 News Back Menu
EOD team training can save soldiers lives against the threats of Improvised Explosive Devices IEDs.
With millions of unexploded ordinance in and around Iraq, insurgents have the opportunity to use them against coalition forces as IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device) if not found and properly destroyed. On Forward Operating Base Marez, Mosul, Iraq, the 752nd Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team does their part by detonating stock piles so they do not fall into enemy hands.
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NATO officials say five Polish soldiers have been killed in a roadside bomb attack in eastern Afghanistan, marking the deadliest single attack of the Afghan war for the coalition member. Local Afghan officials said an improvised explosive device went off Wednesday near the convoy of troops in Ghazni province. The Taliban immediately claimed responsibility.
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Video Counter IEDs Conference Back Menu
Onsite interviews conducted at 5th Annual Counter-IEDs
Understanding the IED “social network analysis
U.S. Navy Postgraduate researcher Deak Childress explains his efforts to look into mapping the human networks behind the devices, the interdependence behind them, and how the process can be disrupted.
Counter IED training and knowledge retention
Lt. Yannick Noben of the Belgian Armed Forces has trained ISAF troops on the front line to counter the threat. Here, he outlines the method and progress he has experienced, as well as highlighting the need for more efforts to retain the knowledge provided by CIED training from one tour to the next.
Terrorism at home and abroad
IED researcher Andy Pettitt touches on the problems of weighing the terrorist threat, taking into account the domestic threat experienced in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and whether he feels local authorities properly understand the IED threat at our doorstep.
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