Waited impatiently by the soldiers of the 13th BCA, the
FELIN equipment “Integrated Equipment and Communications
Infantryman” arrived at Chambery during the first
week of January 2011. The soldiers thus perceived their
new equipments and received the first training, under
the vigilant eye of training team from SAGEM. As well
in perception itself as in the instruction, a rigorous
protocol is then applied.
The first reception had taken place at the end of 2010
by the 1° Infantry Regiment (1st RI) of the French
Army, based in Sarrebourg. The first company of the 1st
RI having received it is currently in a tactical production
run, the other companies of the regiment currently receive
the new equipment.
With this new FELIN equipment, symbol of a real modernization,
the French soldiers enter in a new era which improves
their effectiveness and decreases their vulnerability.