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International Armoured Vehicles IAV 2011 dedicates focus days to vital IED problem with SPARKS II.

| 2011

IAV International Armoured Vehicles 2011
International Defence Exhibition & Conference
Excel London
, United Kingdom
07 - 10 February 2011
Self-Protection Adaptive Roller Kit System II at IAV 2011

Thursday, 13 January 2011, 12:26 PM

International Armoured Vehicles 2011 dedicates focus days to vital IED problem with SPARKS II.
Addressing the urgent need to combat the most prevalent and problematic of insurgency tactics in Afghanistan, the US Self-Protection Adaptive Roller Kit System II (SPARKS II) is the latest in mine rolling technology, and is set to become a trusted addition to the integrated group of equipment that allows for service members to adapt rapidly changing improvised explosive threats.
Addressing the urgent need to combat the most prevalent and problematic of insurgency tactics in Afghanistan, the US Self-Protection Adaptive Roller Kit System II (SPARKS II) is the latest in mine rolling technology, and is set to become a trusted addition to the integrated group of equipment that allows for service members to adapt rapidly changing improvised explosive threats.

The U.S. military is fielding new mine roller technology expected to provide even more protection from improvised explosive devices, as global specialists assemble in London to discuss available solutions.

SPARKS II has the same capabilities as previous models, such as the crucial ability to attach to the front of vehicles and detonate roadside bombs, but now has the added advantage of giving service members many more vehicle options for force protection. This can involve allowing the driver to make immediate changes to how the roller operates, including its distance to the vehicle, as well as the added ability of manipulating a variety of settings enabling the vehicle to interact with the different environmental conditions it occurs.

On Monday February 7th February, attendees will be provided an exclusive opportunity to listen and interact with key contacts at the International Armoured Vehicles main IED focus day. The session will
offer the chance to get involved in in-depth discussions with four key military speakers on their intelligence assessments of current IED design and emplacement, as well as their analysis of SPARKS II and other new mine rolling technologies.

Aside to discussion of the IED matter, this specific focus day is said to be crucial to those planning to buy, upgrade or design an armoured vehicle. Education for manufacturers on the approaches to vehicle protection will be combined with tutorials on how these designs will influence procurement decisions.

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