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Russia will continue to invest important budgets in the purchase of new military equipment 2111113.

| 2011

Defense News - Russia

Monday, November 21, 2011, 06:16 PM
Russia will continue to invest important budgets in the purchase of new military equipment.
Russia will continue to invest important budgets in the purchase of new military equipment, said Monday in Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Russia will continue to invest important budgets in the purchase of new military equipment, said Monday in Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
The Russian military is planning to carry out a large-scale rearmament of its armored units with new-generation main battle tanks (MBT) in 2014-2020, now the most modern tank of Russian army is the


"We will continue to equip the army and to do that we have enough financial resource to provide an unprecedented military budget" he said during a meeting with officers of the region's military southern Russia.

"We can buy foreign equipment but in small quantities (...) to find out what are equipped with foreign armed forces and to encourage our producers to improve the quality of our combat equipment," added the president.

In addition, Dmitry Medvedev said he did not share the opinion of those people which find to that the modernization of the Russian army is too slow.

"In my opinion, in recent years we have made significant progress," said Mr. Medvedev.

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