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Russian submarine Yekaterinburg carried out a succesful firing of ballistic missile Sineva 2205111.

| 2011
Defense News - Russia

Sunday, May 22, 2011, 04:44 PM

The Russian submarine Yekaterinburg carried out a succesful firing of an ballistic missile Sineva.
The Russian nuclear submarine Ekaterinburg of the North fleet carried out Friday a successful firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile Sineva since the Barents sea, announced in Moscow the spokesperson of the Russian ministry of Defence Igor Konachenkov.

The Russian nuclear submarine Ekaterinburg of the North fleet carried out Friday a successful firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile Sineva since the Barents sea, announced in Moscow the spokesperson of the Russian ministry of Defence Igor Konachenkov.
Russian navy nuclear submarine Ekaterinburg of the North fleet


“The firing was carried out by a submerged submarine to verify the fiability of the Russian strategic Navy. The heads of the missiles reached their targets on the polygon of Koura, to Kamtchatka, the right time”, indicated colonel Konachenkov in front of the journalists.

The preceding shooting of a Sineva missile was made last April in Barents sea. The missile was fired by the nuclear submarine Ekaterinburg also reached its target in Kamtchatka.

The R-29RMU Sineva, also designated RSM-54, is a Russian liquid-fuelled submarine-launched ballistic missile. It has the GRAU index 3M27, and is identified by NATO as the SS-N-23 Skiff. Carrying ten 100 kt warheads, it is designed to be launched from Delta IV class submarines, which are armed with 16 missiles each.

The first full-range test was reportedly conducted on October 11, 2008; the reported range was 11,547 kilometers. The R-29RMU entered service in 2007 and is expected to remain in service until at least 2030.

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