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Sea Sentor compact modular self-contained system torpedo detection, classification & Localisation.

| 2011
Online Show Daily News
DSEI 2011
International Defence & Security Equipment Exhibition
Excel London
, United Kingdom
13 - 16 September 2011
Cassidian at DSEI 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011, 10:02 PM
Sea Sentor compact modular self-contained system torpedo detection, classification & Localisation
At DSEI 2011, Ultra Electronics presents the Sea Sentor a compact, modular and self-contained system that integrates advanced TDCL (Torpedo Detection, Classification & Localisation) techniques with a suite of soft-kill countermeasures (comprising both off-board expendable devices and towed decoy).
At DSEI 2011, Ultra Electronics presents the Sea Sentor a compact, modular and self-contained system that integrates advanced TDCL (Torpedo Detection, Classification & Localisation) techniques with a suite of soft-kill countermeasures (comprising both off-board expendable devices and towed decoy).
In operation, Sea Sentor detects active and passive homing torpedoes, including wake homers, at sufficient range to enable the deployment of acoustic countermeasures to maximise the probability of vessel survivability. It uses a dedicated, passive digital array and intercept towed sensor to achieve detection; this sensor is normally deployed to a depth below the surface layer, so providing for a significantly greater detection range over a hull-mounted sonar and beyond torpedo firing range.

Automatic TDCL functionality is hosted on COTS processing technology located within the Sea Sentor electronics cabinet. Associated threat evaluation software provides full torpedo and countermeasure manoeuvre and action to the command, and automatically initiates countermeasures actions relevant to the specific threat. Expendable acoustic countermeasures, designed to seduce incoming torpedoes away from the host ship, are launched from eight-barrel fixed launchers, mounted port and starboard. An in-line flexible towed acoustic body, streamed behind the vessel, incorporates a multi-mode countermeasure device. Control and display equipment is designed to occupy a minimal footprint. A launcher control unit and heads-up display panel are fitted in the operation room with an additional heads-up repeater display on the bridge.

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