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CASIC launches new Short-to-Medium range air defense system FK-1000 at AirShow China 2012 1511122.

| 2012
AirShow China 2012 news coverage report International Aviation Aerospace Defence Exhibition Chinese military industry technology Zhuhai

Online Show Daily News
AirShow China 2012
Aviation - Aerospace - Defence exhibition
13 to 18 November 2012
Zhuhai, China

FK1000 new air defense system at AirShow China 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012, 02:44 PM
CASIC launches new Short-to-Medium range air defense system FK-1000 at AirShow China 2012.
The China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation's (CASIC's) launches its new Short-to-Medium range surface-to-air missile weapon system FK-1000 at the International Aviation, Aerospace and defence exhibition AirShow China 2012.
The China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation's (CASIC's) launches its new Short-to-Medium range surface-to-air missile weapon system FK-1000 at the International Aviation, Aerospace and defence exhibition AirShow China 2012.
Scale model of the new Chinese FK-1000 Short-to-Medium range surface-to-air missile weapon system

FK-1000 surface-to-air missile weapon system is a high operational performance all-weather medium-to-low altitude and medium-to-short range air defense weapon system which is characterized by missile-gun integration and multiple functions integrated into a combat vehicle.

The FK-1000 is able to intercept various offensive air weapons such as cruise missile, armed helicopters, air-to-surface missiles and fixed wing aircraft.

The FK-1000 is mainly designed for undertaking battlefield air-defense, accompanying air-defense and point air-defense missions.

The whole air defense system is mounted on a 8x8 tactical truck chassis. The weapons turret is mounted at the rear of the truck chassis with a command and control cabin at the rear of the crew cabin truck. The FK-1000 fire control system includes one target acquisition radar mounted at the rear of the turret and one tracking radar at the front.

Based on our analysis of the scale model of the FK-1000 shows at AirShow China 2012, the vehicle is armed with one 23mm cannon and one 12.7mm machine gun mounted on each side of the turret, coupled with twelve KS-1000 surface-to-air missiles launchers, six on each side of the turret.

The FK-1000 is armed with twelve KS-1000 surface-to-air missiles launchers. The KS-1000 is a new ground-to-air missile designed and developed by the Chinese Company CASIC.
The FK-1000 is armed with twelve KS-1000 surface-to-air missiles launchers. The KS-1000 is a new ground-to-air missile designed and developed by the Chinese Company CASIC.

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