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China and United States are ready to forge a new type of military ties 2906123.

| 2012

Defense News - China

Friday, June 29, 2012, 05:44 AM
China and United States are ready to forge a new type of military ties.
Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met here on Tuesday, June 26, 2012, with Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, vowing to forge a new type of military ties. China-United States relations have kept moving forward in the past 40 years despite ups and downs, said Liang, noting that the main reason has been the broad common interests shared by the two sides.
Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met here on Tuesday, June 26, 2012, with Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, vowing to forge a new type of military ties. China-United States relations have kept moving forward in the past 40 years despite ups and downs, said Liang, noting that the main reason has been the broad common interests shared by the two sides.
Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command


Healthy, stable development of China-United States relations is not only in the interests of the two countries, but also conducive to the peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world, he added.

China and the United States both have important domestic political agendas this year and have to concentrate on economic recovery, development and reform, so it is a common need of both sides to maintain the steady development of bilateral ties, according to the defense minister.

Chinese President Hu Jintao raised a four-point proposal on forging a new model of relations between the two world powers during his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in Mexico last week, which has pointed out the direction for bilateral relations, he noted.

Liang called on the two armed forces to establish a rapport based on equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, which is corresponding to the new model of bilateral relations.

He also reviewed his meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta in May, noting that China is ready to work with the United States to beef up high-level military exchanges, deepen cooperation in non-traditional security, and develop bilateral military ties.

He also elaborated on China's stance on the U.S. side's adjustment of its Asia-Pacific strategy as well as reconnaissance activities by U.S. warships and planes close to China.

Locklear affirmed the importance of China-United States relations as well as bilateral military relations.

Although there remain differences between the two sides on some issues, they have common interests in broader areas, he pointed out.

In order to safeguard the common interests of the two sides and build a safe international environment, he called on the two armed forces to further enhance dialogue, communication and cooperation.

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