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The DGA delivers the fifth bridge-launcher SPRAT 1206126.

| 2012
Official Online Show Daily News
Eurosatory 2012
International Land Defence & Security Exhibition
, France
11 - 15 June 2012
The DGA delivers the fitfh bridge-laucher SPRAT
Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 10:24 AM
At Eurosatory 2012, the DGA announced the delivery of a fifth SPRAT bridge-laucher vehicle.
At Eurosatory 2012, The Direction générale de l’armement (DGA, French defence procurement agency) announced, it has just delivered in May 2012 the fifth system of bridge-launcher (SPRAT) to the 13th Engineer Regiment (Le Valdahon – eastern part of France). The SPRAT allows launching in a few minutes a bridge permitting, any military wheeled or tracked vehicle, including the tank LECLERC, to cross gaps (ditches, rivers, etc.) up to 25 meters.
Visit The French MoD at Eurosatory 2012 Hall 5 J 269/201 and F 450/396/376.
At Eurosatory 2012, The Direction générale de l’armement (DGA, French defence procurement agency) announced, it has just delivered in May 2012 the fifth system of bridge-launcher (SPRAT) to the 13th Engineer Regiment (Le Valdahon – eastern part of France). The SPRAT allows launching in a few minutes a bridge permitting, any military wheeled or tracked vehicle, including the tank LECLERC, to cross gaps (ditches, rivers, etc.) up to 25 meters.
The SPRAT during the live show at Eurosatory 2012

The SPRAT system has operational performances which are matchless in the world thanks to its modularity (adaptation of the length of the bridge to the width of the gap), its operational speed (launching of a long bridge, two sections together in less than 10 minutes), its mobility on and off road (slope up to 60 %) and the excellent protection of the crew against aggression on the battlefield, even during the operations of launching and retrieving of the bridge.

The DGA placed an order in the end of 2003 with CNIM (Constructions Industrielles de la Méditerranée) of ten SPRATs which will be delivered to the French Army by the end of 2013.

The SPRAT system is composed of two vehicles:

- One launcher, vehicle with steering 5 axles (10x10), equipped with two 14-meter long bridge
sections, that it can launch separately to cross successively two gaps of 13 m each, or after
assembly of the two sections, it allows crossing of a gap wide of 25 m;
- One semi-trailer of one tractor with 3 axles (6x6) and one trailer adapted for the transport of 2
additional bridge sections, which allows supplying the launcher.
Launching and retrieving of the bridge is operated under protection by a crew of 2 from the
armored cabin of the launcher.
For training and exercise, the DGA also delivered a simulator for driving of the launcher as well as
for launching and retrieving of a bridge.


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