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New Arjun Mk-2 tank unveils by Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment of India 1808124.

| 2012

Defense News - India

Saturday, August 18, 2012, 10:42 AM
New Arjun Mk-2 tank unveils by Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment of India.
The defence magazine Force of India visited the Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE) for an exclusive insight into the programme of Indian-made Arjun Mk-2 main battle tank. Arjun Mk-2 is substantially improved and more capable than the Arjun Mk-1; it is too heavy, limiting areas where it can be deployed by the Indian Army. (Source FORCE magazine and Livefist Blogspot)
The defence magazine Force of India visited the Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE) for an exclusive insight into the programme of Indian-made Arjun Mk-2 main battle tank. Arjun Mk-2 is substantially improved and more capable than the Arjun Mk-1; it is too heavy, limiting areas where it can be deployed by the Indian Army.
Director, CVRDE, Dr Sivakumar, front of the new Indian-made main battle tank project Arjun Mk-2.
(Credit photo National Security and Defence newsmagazine FORCE)

The major improvement in the Arjun Mk-2, is its missile firing capability from the gun barrel. This was demonstrated in 2004, with Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI’s) Laser Homing Attack/Anti Tank Missile (LAHAT). But the tank did not have an integrated Laser Target Tracker (LTT) at that point of time. That is now in the final stages of inspection and is being demonstrated to the user. The army has also asked for more types of ammunition on the Mk-2. This includes Thermobaric rounds and Penetration cum Blast rounds that will be developed in India.

In terms of protection, the Arjun Mk-2 will have full frontal Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) and since commonality was desirable, it will use the same structuring as the T-series. The Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) is re-developing the explosive element, which is currently Russian, with better protection capability. It is being developed at the High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL). This will be used for the Arjun, T-90 and T-72 tanks. Active Protection Systems (APS) that help evade attack — both by confusing enemy sensors (soft-kill) or by physically destroying incoming warheads (hard-kill) — will also be incorporated on the Mk-2.

The Israeli ‘Trophy’ system is being considered for the Mk-2. There will also be a mine plough to deal with pressure based mines, magnetic mines and tilt based mines. The driver’s seat on the Mk-2 is now suspended from the roof, compared to being fixed to the floor on the Mk-1 — this provides better mine protection capability.

The engine will remain the same on the Mk-2. With the original power pack on the Mk-1, the final drive catered to a top speed of 72 kmph. For the Mk-2, the final drive has been changed by increasing the reduction ratio from 4.4 to 5.3 and the top speed is now reduced 58.5 kmph but the torque and the force available at the contact between the track and the road has increased which can cater for the increased weight. Despite the increased weight, CVRDE claims that the acceleration is better than the Mk-1, while fuel efficiency remains the same.

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