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Libya wants to restore military and technical cooperation with Russia 0207125.

| 2012

Defense News - Libya

Monday, July 2, 2012, 12:16 AM
Libya wants to restore military and technical cooperation with Russia.
The Libyan authorities want to restore the military and technical cooperation with Russia said Friday, June 29, 2012 Igor Sevastyanov, deputy director of the Russian arms export agency Rosoboronexport.
The Libyan authorities want to restore the military and technical cooperation with Russia said Friday, June 29, 2012 Igor Sevastyanov, deputy director of the Russian arms export agency Rosoboronexport.
The armed forces of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were equipped with lot of Russian-made military equipment and combat vehicles as the main battle tank T-72.

After reiterating that the supply of arms contracts signed between Moscow and Tripoli under the regime of Muammar Gaddafi were frozen after the Libyan revolution, Mr. Sevastyanov said that "the new authorities of the country wanted to restore military and technical cooperation with Moscow ".

Head of Rosoboronexport, has explained that "Many Libyan soldiers were trained during Soviet Time and in Russia".

Contracts for the several billion dollars agreements between Russia and Libya in different fields, including the delivery of armements, were canceled February 26, 2011, when Moscow has voted to the UN Security Council a resolution introducing sanctions against Tripoli.

The armed clashes that erupted in Libya between opposition forces and government troops have prompted the Security Council to establish a no-fly zone over the country. NATO took the opportunity to help the rebels during war againt Gaddafi armed forces. On October 20, 2011, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed in unclear circumstances.

Although Russia did not support the NATO operation in Libya, it has not vetoed the Security Council resolution that authorized the intervention of NATO.

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