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The Nexter VBCI is now available in CASEVAC variant for casualty evacuation missions 1206122.

| 2012
Official Online Show Daily News
Eurosatory 2012
International Land Defence & Security Exhibition
, France
11 - 15 June 2012
Nexter VBCI CASEVAC at Eurosatory 2012 Press Release
Monday, June 11, 2012, 11:21 PM
The Nexter VBCI is now available in CASEVAC variant for casualty evacuation missions.
At Eurosatory 2012, The French Defence Company Nexter unveils a new version of its combat proven VBCI armoured infantry fighting vehicle which is currently in use by the French Armed Forces in Afghanistan. The new VBCI CASEVAC is a Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted for casualty evacuation missions.
Visit NEXTER at Eurosatory 2012 Booth Pe6a C 391 Outdoor Exhibition 22.
At Eurosatory 2012, The French Defence Company Nexter unveils a new version of its combat proven VBCI armoured infantry fighting vehicle which is currently in use by the French Armed Forces in Afghanistan. The new VBCI CASEVAC is a Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted for casualty evacuation missions.
Nexter VBCI CASEVAC Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted for casualty evacuation missions

The VBCI is the latest generation of wheeled armoured infantry fighting vehicle of the French Army. Its role is to transport infantrymen to the combat area providing a high level of protection and combat support and also support Leclerc type battle tanks, in demanding environments such as urban and desert areas. It was developed jointly by Nexter Systems and Renault Trucks Defense.

This mission-specific configuration is easily obtained within less than four hours by means of
a "CASEVAC basic kit".

The CASEVAC VBCI allows the transportation of up to four casualties, including one or two lying ones. Intensive medical care can be provided. Inside the vehicle, the injured persons will be secured in a safe area, regarding the high level of protection.

The reconfiguration kit is basically made up of:
- two stretcher stands,
- stretcher handling devices,
- Fittings for the storage of medical equipment.

The CASEVAC VBCI proves the ability of VBCI product line vehicles to perform health missions, either through the temporary kit-based reconfiguration of any combat vehicle, or permanently as dedicated variants.

At Eurosatory 2012, The French Defence Company Nexter unveils a new version of its combat proven VBCI armoured infantry fighting vehicle which is currently in use by the French Armed Forces in Afghanistan. The new VBCI CASEVAC is a Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted for casualty evacuation missions.
At Eurosatory 2012, The French Defence Company Nexter unveils a new version of its combat proven VBCI armoured infantry fighting vehicle which is currently in use by the French Armed Forces in Afghanistan. The new VBCI CASEVAC is a Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted for casualty evacuation missions.
The CASEVAC VBCI allows the transportation of up to four casualties, including one or two lying ones. Intensive medical care can be provided.

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