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Poly Technologies presents for first time production vehicle of its MRAP CS/VP3 AirShow China 121112.

| 2012
AirShow China 2012 news coverage report International Aviation Aerospace Defence Exhibition Chinese military industry technology Zhuhai

Online Show Daily News
AirShow China 2012
Aviation - Aerospace - Defence exhibition
13 to 18 November 2012
Zhuhai, China

The NEW MRAP CS/VP3 at AirShow China 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012, 03:57 PM
Poly Technologies presents for first time production vehicle of its MRAP CS/VP3 at AirShow China.
At the International Aviation - Aerospace and Defence Exhibition AirShow China 2012, Chinese defence industry presents for the first time the production vehicle of a new MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle), the CS/VP3. The vehicle is designed and developed by Poly Technologies.
At the International Aviation - Aerospace and Defence Exhibition AirShow China 2012, Chinese defence industry presents for the first time the production vehicle of a new MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle), the CS/VP3. The vehicle is designed and developed by Poly Technologies.
Poly Technologies CS/VP3 MRAP vehicle at AirShow China 2012

The CS/VP3 is an APC Armoured Personnel Carrier in the category of MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle) vehicle.

The vehicle was unveiled with a scale model at the DSA 2012, defence exhibition in Malaysia. With its new MRAP, Chinese defence industry responds to needs of modern armies as American and European defence industries since several years.

MRAP vehicles were largely used during the war in Iraq and currently in Afghanistan. We can suppose that the Chinese MRAP vehicle CS/VP3 is cheaper than its American or European counterparts.

According to the company Poly Technologies, the vehicle offers a level protection to STANAG 4569 3B for an 8kg TNT equivalent under hull explosion, and STANAG 4569 4A for a 16kg TNT under wheel explosion.


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