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New strategic missiles for the Russian armed forces to replace Yars and Topol-M 1712121.

| 2012

Defence News - Russia

Monday, December 17, 2012, 09:15 AM
New strategic missiles for the Russian armed forces to replace Yars and Topol-M.
Russia wants to continue to develop its military power with the commissioning of new strategic missiles in the next few years and to respond to the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system in Europe. The new missile will surpass the most powerful missile in the world RS-20B Voyevoda (Satan).
Russia wants to continue to develop its military power with the commissioning of new strategic missiles in the next few years and to respond to the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system in Europe. The new missile will surpass the most powerful missile in the world RS-20B Voyevoda (Satan).
RS-24 Yars
Russian-made mobile nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile

The second type is a solid-fuel ICBM, which is said to replace fifth-generation RS-24 Yars and Topol-M complexes. The news was revealed Friday by the Commander of Strategic Missile Forces of Russia, Colonel General Sergei Karakayev.

According to General Karakayev, strategic missile forces have already conducted several launches of the prototype of this missile this year. The last launch took place on October 24th. The missiles were launched at Kapustin Yar range ground from a mobile launcher.

Next year, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces plan to conduct 11 launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles, Sergei Karakayev told reporters on the eve of the Day of Missile Forces, which Russia celebrates on December 17th. This year, he said, there were five launches conducted. Three of them were performed in accordance with the programs to test the missile systems that are being developed. One launch was made under combined programs, and another one was conducted to extend the service life of missiles.

By the end of December, the official said, the Strategic Missile Forces will have 96 launchers of new missile Topol-M and Yars. Thus, in recent years, the share of state-of-the-art weapons in the Strategic Missile Forces approached 30%, the official concluded.

Sergei Karakayev also said that although the warranty period of RS-20 Voyevoda (NATO reporting name Satan) was overestimated 1.5 times, their extension will keep the missile in service until 2022. Earlier, the general named different deadlines for Voyevoda missiles to stay in service, including the years 2018 and 2026.

Russia will continue to update the arsenal of its missile forces. In addition, by 2020, the Strategic Missile Forces will fully switch to digital technologies for transmitting information, said the commander.

The second type is a solid-fuel ICBM, which is said to replace fifth-generation RS-24 Yars and Topol-M complexes. The news was revealed Friday by the Commander of Strategic Missile Forces of Russia, Colonel General Sergei Karakayev.
Topol-M (SS-27) Russian-made intercontinental ballistic missile
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