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Teikovo Division of Russian Strategic Rocket Forces equipped with new Topol-M Yars missile 0807123.

| 2012

Defense News - Russia

Sunday, July 8, 2012, 05:23 PM
Teikovo Division of Russian Strategic Rocket Forces equipped with new Topol-M and Yars missile.
The Teikovo missile division will be the first unit in the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) to become fully armed with new land-based mobile Topol-M and Yars systems. Topol-M and Yars systems will carry 5th-generation RT-2PM2 and RS-24 ICBMs respectively.
The Teikovo missile division will be the first unit in the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) to become fully armed with new land-based mobile Topol-M and Yars systems. Topol-M and Yars systems will carry 5th-generation RT-2PM2 and RS-24 ICBMs respectively.
RS-24 Yars Russian thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile

Rearmament will also start at the Novosibirsk and Kozelsk missile divisions this year.

“In the Kozelsk division the Yars system will be deployed in silos. In the future, several more divisions will be armed with these systems,” RVSN spokesman, Colonel Oleg Koval said earlier.

“When a second missile regiment is armed with the newest Yars systems consisting of MIRVed RS-24 ICBMs, the rearmament of the Teikovo missile force with Topol-M and Yars system will on the whole be completed,” he said.

With the adoption of the RS-24 system, “the Strategic Rocket Forces increased their capability for piercing missile defence”, the spokesman said.

“This has strengthened the nuclear deterrence capabilities of the Russian strategic forces,” he added. Koval said RS-24 missiles would replace RS-18 and RS-20 missiles that will be decommissioned upon the end of their service life.

The RS-24 Yars missile system was put on combat duty in Russia last summer.

Russian Topol-M SS-27 intercontinental ballistic missile
Russian Topol-M SS-27 intercontinental ballistic missile
Silo-based and mobile missile systems Topol-M, as well as RS-24 mobile missile systems were designed by the Moscow Heat Engineering Institute.

The warheads of Russia's newest Topol-M and RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles can pierce any of the existing of future missile defences, the current commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces Commander, Lieutenant-General Sergei Karakayev said earlier.

“The combat capability of silo-based and mobile Topol-M ICBMs is several times higher than that of Topol missiles. They can pierce any of the existing and future missile defence systems. RS-24 missiles have even better performance,” Karakayev said.

The Strategic Rocket Forces have six regiments armed with silo-based Topol-M missiles and two regiments armed with mobile Topol-M missiles. Each missile carries a single warhead. Last year, Russia began deploying RS-24 ICBMs with MIRVs.
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