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Russian defence industry at DSA 2012 with a full range of air defense missile systems 2004122.

| 2012
DSA 2012 Official Online Show Daily News
The 13Th Defence Services Asia
Kuala Lumpur
, Malaysia
16 - 19 April 2012
Rosoboronexport at DSA 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012, 06:26 PM
Russian defence industry at DSA 2012 with a full range of air defense missile systems.
Today, the Asia-Pacific Region (ATR) is the largest arms market, where Russia has established strong military-technical ties with many countries. Currently, the ATR countries account for 43% of Rosoboronexport’s total defense exports. The Company actively promotes modern submarines, surface ships and fast missile craft in the region. Sukhoi and MiG combat aircraft as well as helicopters enjoy great success here. Deliveries of Russian armored vehicles continue to meet the Army’s needs, while some countries have established their licensed production. The number of requests for Russian air defense weaponry systems is steadily growing. Special weapons for law enforcement agencies are in demand, too.

Today, the Asia-Pacific Region (ATR) is the largest arms market, where Russia has established strong military-technical ties with many countries. Currently, the ATR countries account for 43% of Rosoboronexport’s total defense exports.
Russian Defence Industry Rosoboronexport booth at DSA 2012 Defence Services Asia Exhibition


Rosoboronexport’s participation in the Malaysian DSA 2012 Exhibition is an important marketing event,” - believes Viktor Komardin, head of the Rosoboronexport delegation and Deputy Director General of the Company. – “It will be an important step in strengthening our earlier achieved contacts and it will win Russia’s new foothold in the Asia-Pacific arms markets.”

More than 700 companies from 40 countries worldwide will present their products in the Putra World Trade Centre’s exhibition area of 42,000 square meters. The Rosoboronexport booth, too, will be impressive. It will showcase materials on the best Russian defense products, which have embodied the technical solutions having no analogs in world practice.

Considering the nature of modern conflicts, the real needs and economic opportunities of the buyers, Rosoboronexport offers its partners modern air defense systems needed to provide assured protection for the most critical administrative, political and economic centers, military groups, military bases, control centers and other facilities against air attacks. The lineup of Russian export air defense products includes Buk-M2E and Tor-M2E SAM systems, Tunguska-M1 missile/gun air defense system, and Igla-S MANPADS offering high competitive potential.

In particular, the Buk-M2E modern multi-functional multi-channel medium-range SAM system has high combat capabilities to counter current and future air threats. It is designed to defeat tactical and strategic aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters (including hovering ones) and other aerodynamic targets in their whole flight altitude envelopes, as well as tactical ballistic, air-launched missiles and guided air bombs. At the same time, the Buk-M2E can be effectively used to engage radio-contrast surface and ground targets. The SAM system has not only retained the best design solutions implemented in the Kvadrat, Buk-M1 and Buk-M1-2 systems, but has far exceeded their combat capabilities as well. In particular, its rate of fire has quadrupled through the use of new electronically steerable array radars, while the engagement range against low-altitude targets has increased 1.5 times, owing to addition of an illumination/guidance radar. The Buk-M2E is capable of simultaneously attacking up to 24 targets at ranges of 45 to 50 km flying from any direction at altitudes of 15 meters to 25 km. It provides high immunity in a heavy ECM environment, effective protection against precision-guided weapons, all-weather capability, high survivability, mobility, cross-country capacity and short emplacement time in any terrain. High reliability of the system components in different climatic conditions is guaranteed during 10 years with a further extension of the service life. The Buk-M2E SAM system can be integrated into the national air defense systems and supplied on both tracked and wheeled chassis at customer’s option.

the Buk-M2E modern multi-functional multi-channel medium-range SAM system has high combat capabilities to counter current and future air threats. It is designed to defeat tactical and strategic aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters (including hovering ones) and other aerodynamic targets in their whole flight altitude envelopes, as well as tactical ballistic, air-launched missiles and guided air bombs.
SA-17 Buk-M2 air defence missile system at MAKS Moscow Air Show

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