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Singapore and Indonesia reaffirm their strong bilateral cooperation in the field of defense 0711123.

| 2012

Defense News - Indonesia / Singapore

Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 02:03 PM
Singapore and Indonesia reaffirm their strong bilateral cooperation in the field of defense.
Singapore and Indonesia have reaffirmed their strong bilateral defence relationship and the close cooperation between the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI). This was raised when Senior Minister of State for Defence Chan Chun Sing met Indonesian Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant-General (Rtd) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin in Jakarta.
Singapore and Indonesia have reaffirmed their strong bilateral defence relationship and the close cooperation between the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI). This was raised when Senior Minister of State for Defence Chan Chun Sing met Indonesian Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant-General (Rtd) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin in Jakarta.
Senior Minister of State for Defence Chan Chun Sing (left) with Indonesian Defence Minister Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro (second from left) at the Indo Defence 2012 Expo and Forum (MINDEF photo)

Mr Chan, who is also the Acting Minister for Social and Family Development, is in the Indonesian capital for the 5th Indo Defence 2012 Expo and Forum.

He also met Indonesian Minister of Defence Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

A statement from the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said Mr Chan's visit underscores the strong defence relationship between Singapore and Indonesia.

Singapore and Indonesia's defence establishments enjoy excellent and longstanding ties with substantive cooperation on many fronts.

The SAF and the TNI conduct regular bilateral air, land and sea exercises, and engage in other professional exchanges and cross-attendance of professional courses.

MINDEF said these regular interactions have served to enhance the close ties and mutual understanding between personnel of the two armed forces

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