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Army of South Korea shows interest for the U.S. THAAD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense 1810132.

| 2013

Defence & Security News - South Korea

Friday, October 18, 2013 11:44 AM
Army of South Korea shows interest for the U.S. THAAD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense.
The South Korean military has formally asked the Pentagon to provide detailed information on Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems, an informed source here privy to defense issues said Thursday, October 17, 2013.
The South Korean military has formally asked the Pentagon to provide detailed information on Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems, an informed source here privy to defense issues said Thursday, October 17, 2013.
THAAD launcher unit of U.S. Army

As part of efforts to bolster its missile defense against North Korea's threats, South Korea is apparently seeking to combine U.S. technologies with its own, added the source.

"South Korea recently requested additional information on THAAD as well as PAC-III from the Pentagon, including prices and capabilities of the systems," the source told Yonhap News Agency.

The source said the missile defense issue was among major topics in the annual high-level military talks between the allies held in Seoul this month.

It's an open secret that the U.S. hopes for integrated missile defense systems with Japan and South Korea to enhance effectiveness and reduce costs.

U.S. defense officials have emphasized the need for South Korea to beef up its missile defense as Seoul seeks to delay the transfer of operational control (OPCON) from the U.S., slated for 2015. The OPCON transition would make South Korea play a leading role in its national defense, with U.S. Forces Korea shifting to support missions.

Speaking at the National Assembly earlier this week, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin said his military is pursuing "multi-layered" missile defense.

South Korea is in the process of upgrading its current PAC-II units to PAC-III.

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