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Renault Trucks Defense presents the new VAB Mark III.

| 2014
Eurosatory 2014 news coverage report show daily pictures video International Exhibition of Land Defence & Security army military equipment Paris France industry technology
Eurosatory 2014
International Exhibition of Land Defence & Security

16 - 20 June 2014
Paris, France
Renault Trucks Defense at Eurosatory 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014 09:40 PM
Renault Trucks Defense presents the new VAB Mark III during Eurosatory live demonstration
Based on the concept of the original VAB, Renault Trucks Defense designed the VAB Mark III: a 20t 6x6 medium armored vehicle wich is as rugged as reliable as its famous predecessor but with far superior capabilities.
Based on the concept of the original VAB, Renault Trucks Defense designed the VAB Mark III: a 20t 6x6 medium armored vehicle wich is as rugged as reliable as its famous predecessor but with far superior capabilities
New VAB Mark III in live demonstration

The VAB Mark III uses very advanced protection and mobility technologies: increased power and payload (up to 4.7t), larger internal volume, better tactical situational awareness, reinforced protection (ballistic kit up to NATO level 4 + anti-blast and IED kits).

The VAB Mark III is ideally suited for combat and riot-control missions with the ability to transport up to 2+10 soldiers.The VAB Mark III is able to climb a gradient of up to 60%, negotiate a side slope of 40% and cross a trench 0.9 m deep and a vertical obstacle 0.5 m high with a foring capability of 1.5 m. The thull is equipped with 2 front doors, 2 rear swing doors, a roof hatch, a cab windscreen defrosting system, and comes with a front area for the driver and commander, an engine compartment, a communication corridor, and a rear area for troops and equipment.

A rear ramp and a roof interface for a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm self-defense machine gun turret are available as an option. From the ergonomics standpoint, the VAB Mark III offers excellent exterior vision, with awide windshield and side windows, and, as an option: a 360° surveillance system, a BMS (Battle Management System), a gunshot acoustic detector and a laser warning system.


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