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Ukraine to present for the first time GPM-72 fire fighting vehicle at KADEX 2014 defense exhibition.

| 2014
KADEX 2014
Official Online Show Daily News
International exhibition of weapons systems
and military equipment

22 - 25 May 2014
Astana, Kazakhstan
Fire Fighting Vehicle GPM-72 at KADEX 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 04:18 PM
Ukraine to present for the first time GPM-72 fire fighting vehicle at KADEX 2014 defense exhibition.
For the first time Ukrainian fire fighting vehicle GPM-72 made on the basis of T-72 Tank chassis was presented at the exhibition in Astana. It was reported by Andrii Pristavka, Chief Technologist – Head of the Technical Division of Lviv Armoured Fighting Vehicle Plant, being incorporated with Ukroboronprom State Concern.
For the first time Ukrainian fire fighting vehicle GPM-72 made on the basis of T-72 Tank chassis was presented at the exhibition in Astana. It was reported by Andrii Pristavka, Chief Technologist – Head of the Technical Division of Lviv Armoured Fighting Vehicle Plant, being incorporated with Ukroboronprom State Concern.
Scale model of GPM-72 fire fighting vehicle at at KADEX 2014 International exhibition of weapons systems and military equipment in Astana, Kazakhstan.

“This is our new development. The idea of its creation is connected with the fact of existence of small volumetric water capacity and smaller fire water monitor’s operating range (water spray) within the previous fire fighting vehicles, being made on the basis of T-55 Tank,” – Mr. Pristavka informed.,

Previous vehicle had the tank capacity of about 9 tons compared to the new one with over 20 tones. The range of water stream increased from 60 up to 100 meters. Herewith, water consumed rate per second increased from 60 up to 100 liters. Besides, the basis of T-72 Tank is more up-to-date. It is easier in handling and equipped with the electronics, which allows arriving faster to the site of the fire and performing relevant maneuvers for extinguishment of fire.

Currently, the events on its foreign markets promotion are being carried out. First of all, it refers the countries, where similar tracked vehicles of Ukrainian previous generation production are used and have proved themselves.

“In our opinion, fire fighting vehicle GPM-72 in this class has advantages over its foreign analogs,” Mr. Pristavka emphasized.


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