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Instalaza showcases VN38-C night vision device for C90 family at IndoDefence 2014.

| 2014
IndoDefence 2014
Official Online Show Daily News
International Tri-Service Defence Exhibition
, Indonesia
5 - 8 November 2014
Instalaza at IndoDefence 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014 08:01 PM
 Instalaza showcases its VN38-C night vision device for C90 family at IndoDefence 2014
At IndoDefence 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia, Spanish company Instalaza, became famous famous for its highly accurate rocket launchers, is showcasing a night vision device specially destinated to C90-CR (M3) RPG family. The VN38-C night vision device has been designed by Instalaza S.A. to provide the family of C90 systems with day and night operational capability, which is a basic requirement from all modern armies nowadays.
At IndoDefence 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia, Spanish company Instalaza, became famous famous for its highly accurate rocket launchers, is showcasing a night vision device specially destinated to C90-CR (M3) RPG family. The VN38-C night vision device has been designed by Instalaza S.A. to provide the family of C90 systems with day and night operational capability, which is a basic requirement from all modern armies nowadays. Instalaza VN38-C night vision device mounted on C90-CR (M3) 90 mm shoulder-fired grenade launcher (RPG)
The VN38-C is placed on the front of the optical viewfinder of the C90 system in an adapter device. Turning on the switch is the only action needed to start functioning. The VN38-C and the adapter device have been designed and built in such a way that the bore sighting, stadimetry and lateral prediction of the C90 system's optical viewfinder are not modified.

The M3 series of the C90 family of weapon systems comes with the adapter device already mounted. A similar element can be fitted very easily on the optical viewfinder of the previous versions of the C90 system, using an Instalaza-supplied template.

The aiming process of the C90 systems is not altered because of the VN38-C. Aiming is done by using the optical viewfinder of the C90 system. Thus, no addional instruction about aiming is necessary and the same VN38-C can be used without any modification with any of the members of the C90 family. The VN38-C can be used separately as a night observation device. For this the collimator and the eyepiece are interchanged in their respective housings. The eyepiece provides a 3.3x magnification and the collimator is then used simply as a handle. The VN38-C is a passive instrument with a very low energy requirement. It can be used for many hours with the power supplied by two AAA type commercial batteries.


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