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At KADEX 2014 MBDA unveils for the first time the Exocet MM40 Block 3 Coastal Battery.

| 2014
KADEX 2014
Official Online Show Daily News
International exhibition of weapons systems
and military equipment

22 - 25 May 2014
Astana, Kazakhstan
MBDA at KADEX 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014 10:22 PM
At KADEX 2014 MBDA unveils for the first time the Exocet MM40 Block 3 Coastal Battery.
At KADEX 2014, the international defence exhibition which takes place in Astana, Kazakhstan from the 22 to 25 May 2014, MBDA unveiled for the first time a new coastal battery based on the company's latest anti-ship missile: The Exocet MM40 Block 3.
Denis Couillard, Naval Systems Senior Executive at MBDA, introduces the new Exocet MM40 Block 3 Coastal Battery to Army Recognition during KADEX 2014.
In the eighties, MBDA developed and produced mobile coastal batteries based on the previous generations of Exocet anti-ship missiles (block 1 and block 2). Five years ago, MBDA introduced a new generation of Exocet missile, the block 3.

The new Exocet Block 3 Coastal Battery is composed of two main units:
- The firing unit
- The tactical and operation center

The firing unit consists in a semi-trailer that may launch four missiles. The tactical and operation center, is the control unit that will interact with the launcher. It can command and control up to four firing units.
At KADEX 2014, the international defence exhibition which takes place in Astana, Kazakhstan from the 22 to 25 May 2014, MBDA unveiled for the first time a new coastal battery based on the company's latest anti-ship missile: The Exocet MM40 Block 3.
The firing unit consists in a semi-trailer that can launch four MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles
The newest MM40 version (MM40 Block 3) has an improved range in excess of 180 kilometres (97 nautical miles) through the use of a turbojet engine, and includes four air intakes to provide continuous airflow to the engine during high-G manoeuvers.

The Block 3 missiles accept GPS guidance system waypoint commands, which allow them to attack naval targets from different angles and to strike land targets, giving them a marginal role as a land-attack missile. The Block 3 Exocet is lighter than the previous MM40 Block 2 Exocets.

Exocet MM40 Block 3 is in service with the French Navy on its Horizon class frigates and will equip its variant of the Franco-Italian FREMM frigate. It has also been ordered by several other export customers.

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