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MKE displays its new MPT-76 rifle.

| 2014
Eurosatory 2014 news coverage report show daily pictures video International Exhibition of Land Defence & Security army military equipment Paris France industry technology
Eurosatory 2014
International Exhibition of Land Defence & Security

16 - 20 June 2014
Paris, France
MKE at Eurosatory 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014 10:09 AM
MKE displays its new MPT-76 rifle
The Turkish company MKE - Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu - displays the MPT-76 infantry rifle during the Eurosatory 2014 exhibition. This rifle is designed by gathering the best properties of the last generation's existing infantry rifles in a single rifle.


This rifle is a short stroke, gas operated with rotary bolt designed for the 7.62x51 NATO cartridge. The 20 rounds magazine is realized in transparent plastic materials. The has semi-automatic and full automatic modes of fire. For improving the accuracy, the rifle has a free floating barrel and its manufactured using cold hammer forging process. The MPT-76 has a grenade launcher and shotgun interfaces and 4-quadrant rail systems for mounting accessories (lights and sights). The rifle has a a design for both right-hand and left-hand use.


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