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Russia to start production of new S-350E Vityaz surface-to-air defense missile system in 2015 260514.

| 2014

Defence & Security News - Russia

Monday, May 26, 2014 01:35 PM
Russia to start production of new S-350E Vityaz surface-to-air defense missile system in 2015.
In 2015, Russia will start serial production systems of its new medium-range surface-to-air defense missile system S-350E Vityaz, announced Thursday, May 22, 204, Ian Novikov, the General Director of the Russian missile manufacturer Almaz-Antey.
In 2015, Russia will start serial production systems of its new medium-range surface-to-air defense missile system S-350E Vityaz, announced Thursday, May 22, 204, Ian Novikov, the General Director of the Russian missile manufacturer Almaz-Antey.
S-350E Vityaz launch unit at MAKS 2013, Air Show in Moscow, Russia

The land component of the missile system is ready, and the firing tests must be completed for end of this year. The mass production of the whole system could be started in 2015.

The new air defense missile system S-350E Vityaz will replace the old S-300PS and S-300PM currently in service with the Russian armed forces.

The first development of the S-350E Vityaz was started in 2007.

In February 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense and Almaz-Antey announced the first flight test for the Vityaz 50R6 for autumn 2013. The system was unveiled for the first time to the public during the MAKS Air Show in Moscow, August 2013.

The S-350E Vityaz 50R6 is a new mobile ground-to-air defense system designed, developed and manufactured in Russia by the Russian Defense Company Almaz-Antey.

The missile for the S-350E Vityaz 50R6 is the 9M96 which was originally designed for the S-400 system. This missile is intended for self-defence at a range of up to 15 km and features passive IR homing guidance. The 9M96 is a dual-role anti-missile and anti-aircraft missile.

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