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Altay, the Turkish Main Battle Tank, Showcased at High Tech Port in Istanbul.

| 2016
High Tech Port 2016
Online Show Daily News
9 - 12 November 2016
Istanbul, Turkey
  Otokar Altay MBT at High Tech Port
Altay, the Turkish Main Battle Tank, Showcased at High Tech Port 2016 in Istanbul
Otokar, Turkey’s largest privately owned defence company, displayed a show of force at the High Tech Port by MÜSIAD Exhibition. Otokar participated in the third “High-Tech Port by MÜSIAD” held on November 9-12, 2016 at CNR Expo Exhibition Center for the first time this year, and exhibited its own designed military vehicles and turret systems. During the exhibition organized under the auspices and with the attendance of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, Otokar drew great interest with Altay, the national main battle tank counting days until serial production commences.
Otokar Altay MBT High Tech Port 1 Otokar Altay MBT at High Tech Port 2016
Otokar, a Koç Group company that successfully represents the Turkish defence industry abroad, participated in the third High Tech Port by MÜSIAD, the defence industry and business development platform, with a wide range of products. At the exhibition, which provides international business development opportunities, easier access to target markets and competitive advantages for the Turkish defence and aviation industry, Otokar exhibited Altay, the main battle tank for which the company submitted its final serial production offer (BAFO) recently, as well as a range of world-renowned military vehicles and turret systems that the company designs and produces.
Otokar Altay MBT High Tech Port 2
Otokar Altay MBT at High Tech Port 2016
The Latest on the Altay Project
The Ministry of Defense, Undersecretariat of Defense Industry had selected Otokar as the prime contractor as a result of the tender opened for the procurement of an authentically designed, modern main battle tank, which would be produced with national capabilities, that the Turkish Armed Forces needed with authentic design and national resources. Divided into two as Phase I and Phase II, the project was officially launched in January 2009. Phase I consists of three stages; “Concept Design,” “Detailed Design,” and “Prototype Development and Qualification.” Otokar has been collaborating with more than 100 leading companies of the Turkish defence industry for the project that started over seven years ago.

In line with the contract terms and conditions, the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry released a Request for Proposal last year to commence the serial production preparations simultaneously and to launch the production of the Altay main battle tank without losing any time, or in short to start Phase II, “Serial Production”. Otokar, as the only company authorized to obtain this document, submitted its first offer for serial production on January 18, and final offer on August 29, 2016. This final offer that Otokar, as the only company to bid, has submitted includes the serial production of 250 units of ALTAY main battle tank and their Integrated Logistics Support services.

With the offer, Otokar aims at commencing the serial production of ALTAY main battle tanks, equipped with state-of-the-art technological sub-systems, and including the modern main battle tanks in the Turkish Armed Forces inventory as early as possible.


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