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Chengdu Aircraft Corporation of China unveils Wing Loong II unmanned combat aircraft 10511163.

| 2016
AirShow China 2016
Online Show Daily News
Aviation & Aerospace Defence Exhibition

1 - 6 November 2016
Zhuhai , China
Wing Loong II at AirShow China 2016
Chengdu Aircraft Corporation of China unveils Wing Loong II unmanned combat aircraft.
China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation unveils its new Wing Loong II unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) at Zhuhai AirShow China 2016. The Wing Loong II can be expected to enter the People's Liberation Army Air Force alongside the smaller Chengdu GJ-1 and the previous version of Wing Loong.
China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation unveils its new Wing Loong II unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) at Zhuhai AirShow China 2016. The Wing Loong II can be expected to enter the People's Liberation Army Air Force alongside the smaller Chengdu GJ-1 and the previous version of Wing Loong. The new Chinese-made Wing Loong II at Zhuhai AirShow China 2016
The Wing Loong II is powered by a single pusher turboprop engine mounted at the rear of its fuselage. It features two vertical tail fins, arranged in a V shape. The Wing Loong is more bigger and higher that the previous version of the Wing Loong.

The landing gear consists of two main wheels under the fuselage and one single wheel under the nose to offer high performance during take-off and landing. Satellite communication system and primary optical system are located in the nose.

The Wing Loong II can fly at maximum speed of 230 miles per hour (370 km/h) and can reach an altitude of 30,000 feet (9.144m). It has a payload of 1,060 pounds (480 kg).

The Wing Loong II can be armed with a full range of weapons as air-to-surface missiles, precision-guided missiles, bombs and air-to-air missiles.

At Zhuhai Air Show 2016, the Wing Loong II was showed with different types of bombs and missiles as the FT-9/50 50kg bomb, GB3 250 kg laser-guided bomb, TL-10 bomb and more .
China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation unveils its new Wing Loong II unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) at Zhuhai AirShow China 2016. The Wing Loong II can be expected to enter the People's Liberation Army Air Force alongside the smaller Chengdu GJ-1 and the previous version of Wing Loong.


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