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Harris to be awarded $29 million to provide tactical radios to European Nation 30205161.

| 2016
Defence & Security News - Harris Corporation
Harris to be awarded $29 million to provide tactical radios to European Nation
Harris Corporation has received two orders totaling $29 million to provide its Falcon® family of tactical radios to a customer in Europe as part of an ongoing standardization program designed to ensure interoperability during coalition operations. The orders were received during the third quarter of Harris’ fiscal 2016.
Harris-to-be-awarded-29-million-to-provide-tactical-radios-to-European-Nation-640-001Harris tactical communication radios

Harris will supply AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radios, which provide simultaneous, secure voice and high-speed networked data; AN/PRC-117G Multiband Networking Manpack Radios, which support multiple missions by combining wideband networking, SATCOM and legacy narrowband interoperability in a single, lightweight package; and AN/PRC-150C HF/VHF Tactical Radios, which provide secure, long-range voice and data communications.

"These radios will ensure that our customer has secure interoperability with U.S. and NATO forces,” said Chris Young, president, Harris Communication Systems. “With wideband networking capabilities, warfighters will gain improved situational awareness and access to a common operating picture.”



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