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Interest of South African defense and security industry is growing in Africa 11719162.

| 2016
AAD 2016
Online Show Daily News
Africa Aerospace & Defence Exhibition

14 - 18 September 2016
Air Force Base Waterkloof, Centurion, South Africa
Prress Release AAD 2016
Interest of South African defense and security industry is growing in Africa.
At AAD 2016, the Africa Aerospace & Defence Exhibition which takes place near Pretoria, South Africa from the 14 to 18 September 2016, local and international defence companies present latest innovations and technologies of military equipment in the field of Aerospace, Naval and Land.

Army Recognition editorial team cover this very important defence event in Africa with its Defense and Security Web TV including news, interviews and reports about AAD 2016.

Global interest in the South African defence industry is growing and there is broad agreement that it is among the best in the world and in the forefront of the development of innovative products, says the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.

During the first day of AAD 2016 that draws more than 440 exhibitors from 34 countries the Minister announced that the National Defence Industry Council, launched in March, has just published a draft transformation charter intended to bring more small and medium enterprises into the defence sector.

Government expects from all departments, agencies and state-owned companies such as Denel to contribute to the deepening of industrialisation and the formation of partnerships that can support the growth of SMMEs.

“We want to go beyond this and create black industrialists within the sector and call upon existing companies to widen black ownership and participation in the defence industry,” she said.

Minister Mapisa-Nqakula welcomed the strong presence of defence exhibitors from other African countries at AAD, a show which “continues to cement its place among global aerospace and defence exhibitions.”

For the first time in the history of AAD, the event is attended by companies from countries such as Nigeria, Uganda, Namibia and the Sudan.


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