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New US-made Rocket Propelled Grenade PSRL-1 able to fire all rockets of Soviet RPG-7 10510163.

| 2016
AUSA 2016
Online Show Daily News
Association of U.S. Army
Exhibition and Conference
3 - 5 October 2016
Washington D.C., United States
AirTronic at AUSA 2016
New US-made Rocket Propelled Grenade PSRL-1 able to fire all rockets of Soviet RPG-7.
The American Company AirTronic presents a new solution of RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade) based on the original Soviet-made RPG-7 but with a new American design and completely manufactured in United States under the name of PSRL-1 (Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher).
The American Company AirTronic presents a new solution of RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade) based on the original Soviet-made RPG-7 but with a new American design and completely manufactured in United States under the name of PSRL-1 (Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher). New PSRL-1 AirTronic Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher at AUSA 2016, the Association of United States Army Exhibition and Conference, in Washington D.C., United States.
The PSRL-1 system was redesigned from the world's most widely used anti-tank weapon, the RPG-7, to be safer and more effective. Every aspect from the material and manufacturing to the sighting system was evaluated and redesigned to modernize the PSRL-1 for today's battlefield environment. These improvements resulted in a longer lasting, U.S. Army safety certified weapon system with a max effective range of 800+ meters. AirTronic prides itself on providing a complete weapons package including various accessories to adapt to any environment.
The PSRL-1 is able to fire all types of rockets which are used with the Soviet-made RPG-7. It has a total weight of 6.6 kg and total length of 915mm. This rocket launcher can be fitted with a Flip Up Iron Sight or PSRL 3.5 X 24mm optical sight. Picatinny rails are mounted on each side and on the top of the launcher.

In conjunction with the weapon, to complete the system, AirTronic offers various accessories that allow for the soldier to comfortably transport the system and its ammo, while also allowing the soldier to adapt to any situation. These accessories vary from different sighting systems, spare parts, slings, cases, ammo bags, bipods, and more. Additionally, AirTronic offers various Cerakote™ Firearm Coatings that further add to the versatility of this system.
The American Company AirTronic presents a new solution of RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade) based on the original Soviet-made RPG-7 but with a new American design and completely manufactured in United States under the name of PSRL-1 (Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher).


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