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Rheinmetall: one of the world’s leading suppliers of soldier systems at Indo Defence 2016.

| 2016
Online Show Daily News
2 - 5 November 2016
Jakarta, Indonesia
  Rheinmetall at Indodefence 2016
Rheinmetall: one of the world’s leading suppliers of soldier systems at Indo Defence 2016
At Indo Defence 2016 Rheinmetall is emphasizing the Group’s status as a leading supplier of soldier systems, along with its unsurpassed ability to integrate dismounted troops into networked-enabled operations.
Rheinmeatll Gladius indodefence 2016
GLADIUS by Rheinmetall
As a globally leading developer and supplier of soldier systems, Rheinmetall can point to abundant experience in this field: the Group is already producing the modular Future Soldier - Expanded System (dubbed “Gladius” by Rheinmetall) on behalf of the German Bundeswehr, as well as various systems and component solutions for other NATO partners.

In July 2015, the Canadian government contracted with Rheinmetall to start the qualification phase of the Canadian Army’s Integrated Soldier System (ISS).

From individual components to integrated systems based on operational requirements and doctrines, Rheinmetall offers flexible and scalable technology, a wide variety of command and control and display solutions, different levels of integration as well as variable vehicle integration, including Rheinmetall or third-party hardware and software.

Rheinmetall Defence has longstanding experience and expertise in networked-enabled operations and system integration. In particular, the Group’s ability to develop seamless C2 system architectures based on international standards – from the individual rifleman up to brigade-level command posts – is essential for implementing soldier modernization programmes.

Advanced technologies make a major contribution to improving the five main capabilities of modern warfare – protection, lethality, command and control as well as mobility and sustainment. Rheinmetall’s goal is a well-protected soldier, equipped with integrated weapons, with a clear picture of the tactical situation and reliable means of communication.
Rheinmeatll Gladius indodefence 2016 2

Rheinmetall soldier systems improve performance in all five capability areas without overburdening the individual rifleman. The system is modular, resulting in reduced volume, weight and power consumption. This ensures greater operational flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to new situations and mission requirements. The equipment is easy to use even under harsh conditions and in stressful combat situations when performance and low weight are paramount.

At Indo Defence 2016 Rheinmetall will be demonstrating the capabilities of its “Future Soldier – Extended System” (Gladius), now in service with the German Army. Interaction between dismounted troops and their sensors and C4I systems will be presented, along with current concepts for network-enabled operations.

Also on display is Rheinmetall’s Argus, currently being qualified by the Canadian Army for its Integrated Soldier System Project, another example of Rheinmetall’s flexible soldier systems solutions.





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