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Russian army received over 10,000 military hardware items in 5 years

| 2018
Russia’s Army has received more than 10,000 items of military and special hardware under the state armament program, the Defense Ministry’s press o...

Senegal Gendarmerie Ejder Yalcin armored at Independence day military parade

| 2018
The Senegalese Gendarmerie showcased its recently purchased military vehicles produced by Nurol Makina, a Turkish defense manufacturer, on its Inde...

Bulgaria would like to acquire 150 new combat vehicles for its armed forces

| 2018
According to the "Sofia Globe" newspaper website, Bulgarian Defense Minister Krassimir Karakachanov has decided to ask for Cabinet approval for two...

New assault rifles in 7.62x41mm caliber seeked for Indian army

| 2018
The Indian Defense Forces will be equipped with more advanced rifles. India’s Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) cleared procurement of 72,400 assau...

Russian RS-24 Yars missile launcher crews test new Ural locations

| 2018
Regiments operating the Yars (NATO name: SS-29 Yars) missile system from the Strategic Missile Force’s large unit based in Nizhny Tagil, in the Ura...

Upgraded Russian anti-missile was tested in Kazakhstan

| 2018
An upgraded Russian antimissile was tested in Kazakhstan. The only operational ICBM defense facility in Russia is the A-135 Amur deployed in the Mo...

U.S. Army trains with Baltic partners in rapid-assemble exercise

| 2018
The U.S. Army wants to keep able to respond at once to potential global threats. For the soldiers of the 82nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 2nd Armor...

Russian S-400 air defense missile joint production with Turkey

| 2018
There are no military or political restrictions for the joint production of S-400 (NATO code: SA-21 Growler) air defense missile systems with Turke...

BAE Systems has delivered AMPVs armored to US Army to begin testing phase

| 2018
BAE Systems has delivered all of the AMPVs (Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle) built under the Engineering and Manufacturing Design (EMD) phase to the ...

Army Recognition at DSA 2018 Tri-services defense exhibition in Malaysia

| 2018
Only 10 days before the opening of DSA 2018, the largest Tri-Services defense exhibition in Asia which will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia fr...

U.S. and coalition forces will continue to fight ISIS in Syria

| 2018
The situation in Syria is much more complex than in Iraq, Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel, commander of U.S. Central Command, said on 3 April at the U.S....

AK-57 Dragunov sniper rifles to be replaced by Indian army

| 2018
India's Ministry of Defense is planning to acquire 6,500 sniper rifles to replace ageing AK-57 Dragunov SVD marksman rifles.

US and Iraq discuss military efforts to defeat the Islamic State

| 2018
On April 3, administration officials, military leaders, senior Iraqi representatives and regional experts discussed views on Iraq at the U.S. Insti...

Belarus to receive fifth battery of Russian Tor-M2 air defense missile system

| 2018
Belarus will receive from Russia the fifth battery of Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missiles and four Yak-130 combat-training aircraft by the end of the yea...

US Army Strykers Dragoon with 30mm cannon operational in Germany

| 2018
On April 1, Sen. Rob Portman visited the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Germany to see the first upgraded Stryker Dragoon produced by Lima’s Joint Systems...

United States would have deployed more troops in Syria

| 2018
While president Trump has announced he is considering pulling the US forces out of Syria, the same forces are reported to reinforce their positions...

First regiment of Russian S-400 missile systems has been delivered to China

| 2018
According to the Russian press agency TASS, the first regiment of Russian-made S-400 Triumf (NATO code SA-21 Growler) surface-to-air defense missil...

Army Recognition official online show Daily News & Web TV for KADEX 2018

| 2018
The Kazakhstan International Exhibition of Weapons Systems and Military Equipment KADEX is organized by the Exhibition Company Astana-Expo KS and f...

US air defense artillery brigade back in Europe for first time since the Cold War

| 2018
The “Cold War” is not really back. Times have too deeply changed. But the rise of the tensions between Russia and the West are leading to some U.S....

JETS, the US new targeting system that turns artillery into a 'giant sniper rifle'

| 2018
In October 2017, US Army Field Artillery soldiers successfully tested the Joint Effects Targeting System Target Laser Designation System (JETS) in ...
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