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AUSA 2020: CMI Defence America becomes John Cockerill Defense America.

| 2020

According to a press release published during the Virtual Edition of AUSA 2020 on October 13, 2020, CMI Defence America capitalizes on the occasion of the virtual AUSA Now to become John Cockerill Defense America. With this name change, we further strengthen our commitment to support the US Army’s modernization effort with next generation integrated lethality solutions for cross domain maneuver. Innovative and visionary for over 200 years, Cockerill™ products modernize to overmatch with unsurpassed survivability, mobility, lethality, reliability, and mission command capabilities for the United States military.

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CMI Defence America becomes John Cockerill Defense America (Picture source John Cockerill)

Scott DeBolt, President of John Cockerill Defense America: "The new identity celebrates our founder and provides a waypoint to our future as a valued American defense partner. John Cockerill was an innovator who launched the industrial revolution on the European Continent. John Cockerill Defense America brings his spirit of innovation to revolutionize precision lethality solutions for the US Army.”

Over the past three years under DeBolt’s leadership, CMI Defence America partnered with the US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center (CCDC-AC, formerly ARDEC) for the Medium Caliber Armament System cooperative research and development agreement (MCAS CRADA). During this effort, CMI Defence America’s modified Cockerill™ 3030 CRADA turret, with XM-813 cannon, performed flawlessly - providing test data on over 5000 rounds of 30mm ammunition, including MK310 Programmable Air Burst Munition. Under the new identity, John Cockerill Defense America continues MCAS innovation and development with a new CRADA with CCDC-AC.

John Cockerill Defense America is excited to offer the full line of in-production Cockerill™ products to the US military, including the Cockerill™ 3000 series turrets (30mm, 50mm and 105mm), the Cockerill™ Protected Weapons System (CPWS - 25/30mm), and the newly designed lightweight Cockerill™ 1030 (30mm). Additionally, we bring innovations in multi-caliber modularity, precision targeting, and reduction in crew size through high reliability autoloaders and advances in AI.

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