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Brazilian army training with Guarani amphibious APC.

| 2020

On September 2, the Armored Instruction Section of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion (School) - “Regimento Sampaio” conducted specific training for crossing a watercourse for 34 drivers of Armored Personnel Transport Vehicles (VBTP) Guarani.
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Brazilian 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion gives instruction on water crossing with Guarani APC (Picture source : Brazilian army)

The instruction took place at Lago Capitão Amarante, located in the 1st Combat Engineering Battalion (School), located in Rio de Janeiro, and was supported by a team of rescuers from that Military Organization, Guilherme Wiltgen reports on Defesea Aérea & Naval.

The Guarani was designed by the Italian company Iveco Defence Vehicles and unveiled at the Defence Exhibition LAAD in April 2011. Production of 2,044 vehicles clalled Guarani (formerly known as Urutu III) was decided in November 2009. In December 2009, Brazil signed a EUR 2.5 billion contract with Iveco to renew its wheeled armored personnel carrier fleet. The first prototype of the Guarani was delivered to the army in April 2010. In December 2012, IVECO delivered the first batch of VBTP-MR Guaranis to the Brazilian army. Series production is scheduled to continue until at least 2030 to meet the army's full requirement.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

Brazilian 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion gives instruction on water crossing with Guarani APC (Picture source : Brazilian army)


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